Care to elaborate? Have you experienced such techniques when being mentored in Solo Diving?
Not in solo diving... within tech and advanced wreck training. However, I wasn't advocating them as 'solo training'.... just as a true test of your capacity to deal with task loading, poor conditions and the resulting panic reaction.
Just a few simple inputs into a regular OW drill can cause an overload due to stress and task-loading. On my rescue courses, I had a lovely patch of thick gooey silt for conducting OOA/AAS drills. Guaranteed that complete zero viz is achieved before the divers can begin an ascent. As they rise out of the 'cloud' it's all wide eyes and rapid breathing. For me, training recreational wreck divers - every skill learnt on OW needs to be achievable in zero vis. I also use blacked out masks or mask removal for this purpose.
Freeflow regulator adds a lot of stress. On rescue courses I run scenarios where I have a freeflow reg and become unresponsive/passive. Divers come and have to come and put me on AAS and lift me. I make sure the freeflow is hitting their face. Mask flooding. Bubbles everywhere. 9/10 screw it up the first time around and would have killed me. Any drill can be made more stressful by some bubbles in the face.
Again....another easy stressor is to task load. Just add two or more easy drills together. Pick any combo of drills from the OW course and see how people can cope.
Exertion adds to the mix too. Add a 5 minute speed fin prior to a drill. It pushes people closer to the 'panic barrier'. A speed fin...and some heavy breathing...also work wonders when added to a Deep Course 'narc' test also.
Other 'slow burn' stressors can be things that test 'dive awareness'. Sometimes, I ask my students to keep notes on their dives. They have a slate and need to log their depth and time for every 50bar of gas they use without missing a check. I like to bet them beers or meals that they won't manage it. I always win.
Those are the less evil ones.....
The OP's view of his own capabilities isn't uncommon ... if I had $10 for every inexperienced person I've seen on ScubaBoard thinking they were the exceptional diver, I'd be able to retire by now .....
Isn't that what the Master Scuba Diver rating was created for??

I am sure someone from PADI retired after inventing that! lol