Sylpha, I would abort the dive. I have considered this before. My fear would not be reaching NDL limits, rather having my computer (which is my depth gauge) die in a low viz situation. Obviously this makes it harder to surface safely. Ideally a backup computer would be nice. I'd be happy with a backup mechanical depth gauge. I couldn't keep diving, but at least I'd be able to surface at the speed I want too. On a list of priorities, I figure not as important as redundant air. Important nonetheless. Thank you though. While I had thought about it before, and in my current dive environments from 40 to 50 feet I'm confident I could surface safely, adding extremely low viz to the mixture is a relatively new revelation. It should be something to add to my shopping cart sooner rather than later shouldn't it?
Bob, 100 dives seems too far away for me to be able to enjoy my lake by myself![]()
this reply is something you should really think about. your computer is not only your depth gague, but it's your dive timer as well. without those things how would you judge your speed and how would you know what depth you are at? i can and have done it without instruments - not by choice, but that's where training & experience come in.
i dive in vis which most people here would consider low vis (less than 5m), i've done quite a lot of archaeological work in vis where we had to take video footage because our eyes couldn't focus that close up, i've worked where touch is your only method of doing things, i think i know a thing or 2 about low vis.
you talk about your shopping cart, which means not only have you not bought all your kit, but that you are not fully au fait with that kit in what is an alien environment. it's not your best plan to be trying new kit without the back up of old faithful kit.
seriously solo diving is not a badge of honour, it's not the next qualification it's part of a natural progression when you have mastered the basics. I don't think 100 dives is unreasonable.
solo diving is not my only form of diving, i enjoy it, but i enjoy buddy diving too there's no shame in that. even after the amount of diving i have done i still ask & take good sensible advice and you have had plenty of that here, but if you want to become a statistic.........................