Internet Sales Policy?

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San Francisco Bay Area
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0 - 24
Just wondering what the Hollis/Oceanic policy is on internet sales? I've never seen anything stating that they are against it but I am interested to know if the major online retailers(LeisurePro, Scubatoys,, Prime Scuba) are "authorized" dealers and warranties will be honored?

Was reading one of the old threads about SP and their no internet sale policy changes etc. and became curious...
I know at least LP, scubatoys and are authorized Hollis dealers. I have bought "authorized" Hollis from more than one of them. If you use the dealer locator on and select the appropriate state (NY for LeisurePro for example) you will see they are authorized (in fact they are the first ones listed, Prime Scuba is second)

SP was one of the few holdouts against online sales long after many of the other manufacturers realized it was the 21st century.
I bought my Hollis 16W can light online. Warranty honored without any hassle.

Hollis is a modern company.

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