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Ever see a bunch of fat old guys sitting around discussing football even though they may not have ever played the game?

Same thing.
I know nothing, and I'll freely admit it. I am here purely because I can't dive as much as I'd like to and talking/reading about it is the next best thing. If I can learn something in the process, that makes my day even better!
Ever see a bunch of fat old guys sitting around discussing football even though they may not have ever played the game?

Same thing.
It's the fat ones who did play... it's where the muscle and the eating habits lead once the fierce competition stops.
The skinny football experts... now *those* guys never played. :)
Wendy makes a good point...

Don't offer advice you haven't actually used on a dive!

Don't tell us how it's supposed to be done, but how YOU did it on a dive.

Ask any and all questions! No, you don't need a single dive to do this!

We love to hear about your excitement, but if you tell us that you have dove the Doria and only three weeks earlier you were asking what is the best reg... well, we can connect the dots.

good advice. it really is annoying when people constantly parrot from a book or from some instructor they idolize. ive got nothing wrong with giving proven advice that comes from another source. but credit the source and stop acting like you have experience you dont. most experts only give advice on things they have first hand experience on. also, please lose the attitude when parroting something you learned from your mentor. odds are the person who you learned from did it in a professional and respectful manner and you should too!! my 2cents
Ugh! I can not stand people on the board that all of a sudden become experts on absolutly every aspect of diving within months of getting ow cert. And its obvious that a majority of this knowledge that they feel that they should share with everybody comes directly from reading posts on the internet. Lots of cyber divers running around here these days. And its driving me crzy. Geez people, shut up and go out there and dive, get 100 or so dives in different conditions and circumstances and then come on here and share your experiences. I never claim to know it all and any advise I have ever made on this board was soley based on my own personal experiences.

Bottom line: Shut up and dive!

First of all - I can't agree with you more in this post.

I recall a former post you made where you had mentioned something about people doing things the "wrong way" no matter how many times you tell them.

I had made a reply to say that the "right way" is relative and not necessarily a constant with some aspects of diving. I also referenced the fact that I think there are many on this board that get advice from board "experts" and pass it on as their own knowledge. Mike F removed my post quite promptly was will probably be the case here but I think it is ironic we have a nearly identicle thread.

Considering a lot of our training is how to handle emergencies that may or may not ever come up; it's hard to limit to what you -have- done.

But I know what you mean. Trouble is; does everyone?

I can't speak for others of course but IMHO anybody with 100+ open water boat dives has probably been exposed to many of the situations that are discussed daily on this board. (Provided of course that they haven't all been done in a one and only ideal tropical location).

Now I must admit to a certain deception when I see people with 500+ posts (or even 1000+) expressing strong opinions and then in a later post they comment that they are about to hit 20 dives or even less!

And of course there are certain posters that must just like to watch their post count grow. I remember following a thread on another board about the use of Titanium with Nitrox and there were over 250 posts without a single piece of concrete input. Just opinions. I researched the manufacturers, fired off a couple of mails & got back enough graphs and data to write a thesis on the subject. I learnt more in a couple of mails than following a thread for weeks.

But as always, the truth will come out and after browsing this board for a few months there are some posters whose contributions are obviously worthy of respect and that stand out from others that I just skim through.

It's a pity there's no way of enforcing a maximum ratio of dives to posts or vice-versa.
Ugh! I can not stand people on the board that all of a sudden become experts on absolutly every aspect of diving within months of getting ow cert. And its obvious that a majority of this knowledge that they feel that they should share with everybody comes directly from reading posts on the internet. Lots of cyber divers running around here these days. And its driving me crzy. Geez people, shut up and go out there and dive, get 100 or so dives in different conditions and circumstances and then come on here and share your experiences. I never claim to know it all and any advise I have ever made on this board was soley based on my own personal experiences.

Bottom line: Shut up and dive!
Hey Wendy,
You a friend of this guy?

Not ranting on you at all, and I agree with you. I now have about 20 dives and growing rapidly... However, there is the difference of someone being able to spew out something they heard somewhere, and someone being able to have a technical discussion on a topic. As I have mentioned before, I look at diving the same way I did Rock Climbing for many years. The enviornments are tottaly different however the basic concepts are still the same. You are doing a sport that you damn sure better know what you are doing or you are going to hurt/kill yourself. Boards like this are a great place to gain knowledge, however you need to have enough braincells to know be able to filter out the crap from the good advice.

I also agree with you that nothing beats continuing your training and actually diving... Not just taking a few tours with a DM after you did your OW.

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