Inspiration or Meg

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You were correct when you said:

"Two books?

I have Bozanic's "Mastering Rebreathers" but I think the other big book on RB is by Barsky.

Or did I miss something?"

No, it was I who missed something. You are correct. The other book is Barsky's. And roger that on the autograph, he signed mine for me at DEMA.

I don't have Barsky's book on RBs yet, they are not so easy to find right now.

I have several of his other books.
...Barsky's book on RBs ... are not so easy to find right now.
Last I heard is that Barsky's book is out of print.
I've got both, Barsky's book is a bit more basic, but makes for easy reading.
Jeff B.'s book is considerably more in depth, all formulas and equations are both metric and empirial, but it reads more like the text book it is.
Mastering Rebreathers is a good book, very informative. Slightly bizarre that the Inspiration gets only a fleeting mention though.

BTW BigJet - what's an extended range Inspiration?

FWIW - I don't think you can go wrong with anything that's out there at the moment. I've got a few hundred hours on the Yellow Box of Debt, but I've talked to guys (and gals) diving Megs & KISSs and they do look like very well put together units. The bits that wear out / need servicing tend to be off-the-shelf ie cheap and readily available - the proprietory bits ie lungs & electronics don't tend to go wrong AFAIK so that's not too much of an issue. If you're a Brit & the way the exchange rate is right now, you could buy a KISS for the cost of a gallon of gas (UK prices)...

The prospective RB diver with a wad of cash in his pocket these days has some tough choices to make.

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