Inspiration or Meg

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Hello everyone!

I'm in the process of buying a rebreather for myself. I thought I knew what I wanted an Inspiration but now I'm not sure. I've been doing some research on the Meg. I guess one of my big concerns about a Meg is parts availability. The inspiration is widely distributed and parts would not be a problem. The same could not be said for the Meg. Would getting parts in 5 years be a problem?

I also have thought about what I want to use the RB for. For the first year I'll take it very slow, taking the time to know the RB. When I get comfortable want to use it for U/W photography, diving on deep wrecks, and eventually tech diving.

Could and one tell me the pros and cons of owning each of these RB.
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Hello everyone!

I'm in the process of buying a rebreather for myself. I thought I knew what I wanted an Inspiration but now I'm not sure. I've been doing some research on the Meg. I guess one of my big concerns about a Meg is parts availability. The inspiration is widely distributed and parts would not be a problem. The same could not be said for the Meg. Would getting parts in 5 years be a problem?

I also have thought about what I want to use the RB for. For the first year I'll take it very slow, taking the time to know the RB. When I get comfortable want to use it for U/W photography, diving on deep wrecks, and eventually tech diving.

Could and one tell me the pros and cons of owning each of these RB.

I don't think you can go wrong with either Rb.. I dive and teach the Inspiration but have tried the Meg and was pleased with it..

My inspiration is equipped with The hammerhead electronics which are very well done.. Up until recently I would have said that gave it a slight edge up on the Meg..
I think the Meg and stock inspiration have equally strong points.. The only real plus at this date is the availability of parts for the Inspiration... There are many more Inspirations out there and parts are simple to get.. The meg uses alot of off the shelf stuff, so all aren't difficult to locate.. The specifics youd have to get through the factory its unlikely that spares will be CURRENTLY available at your dive destination.. This should change as more divers get units.. If a locations supports CCRs they probably support Inspirations and have at least some spares..
The HH electonics are being planned as a factory option for the Meg so now, its more of a matter of specific options..
sensor once bubbled...
Could and one tell me the pros and cons of owning each of these RB.
The December issue of IANTD's 'Nitrox Diver' magazine will have a comparisson and review of all current production RBs (with the exception of Halcyon's RB80, which is listed, though). What they have and do, what they don't have nor do. Active/passive SCRs, manual and electronic CCRs.
Drägers, Azimuth, Inspiration, MK15, Prism Topaz, Megalodon, KISS, CCR2000, Nemesis. And a preview of the Evolution. :D

The magazine is available through IANTD's platinum facilities, or go to .
Hello everyone!

I'm in the process of buying a rebreather for myself. I thought I knew what I wanted an Inspiration but now I'm not sure. I've been doing some research on the Meg. I guess one of my big concerns about a Meg is parts availability. The inspiration is widely distributed and parts would not be a problem. The same could not be said for the Meg. Would getting parts in 5 years be a problem?

I also have thought about what I want to use the RB for. For the first year I'll take it very slow, taking the time to know the RB. When I get comfortable want to use it for U/W photography, diving on deep wrecks, and eventually tech diving.

Could and one tell me the pros and cons of owning each of these RB.

I have new meg and it is the greatest. I only have 10 hours on it and can't wait for the next dive. John
I have the Extended Range Inspiration, and the Meg, new or old, cannot do what it does. I have well over 200 hours on it. I love it. It's fantastic!!! The only rig to surpass it is the "Cadillac" of them all, the Cis-Lunar Mk 5P, now sadly unavailable.

if you are into Ambient pressure why not have a look at Evolution.

Your best bet is to evaluate with hands on all CCR's with experts on those specific models, anyalize test data (independent if applies to model) and review all cons/pros of each model and decide what is best for you.
Reading articals / books is a good start, however you really need hands on expeirence to know all cons/pros or typs of CCR's.


Read the latest issue of "The Nitrox Diver" (IANTD's magazine) for an outstanding comparison of the features of the currently available re-breathers. Read Jeff Bozanic's two books on re-breathers for an in-depth study.

Read the latest issue of "The Nitrox Diver" (IANTD's magazine) for an outstanding comparison of the features of the currently available re-breathers. Read Jeff Bozanic's two books on re-breathers for an in-depth study.


Two books?

I have Bozanic's "Mastering Rebreathers" but I think the other big book on RB is by Barsky.

Or did I miss something?

BTW If you order the book directly from Mr Bozanic you will get it nicely autographed. :D

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