Well I finally bit the bullet and took it into Reef Photo for diagnosis. My original suspicion of sensor or trigger circuit wasn't far off as I was informed that the main board was toast - either from a hard fall (drop) or due to too rapid of sustained flashes (which could overheat the board). Neither one of these I recall happening during my ownership. After dumping another $350 into it, I once again have a functioning and mostly new S2000. Reef Photo provided a great service and I certainly appreciate the break on the labor they provided. Cost was a little less than $200 under what a new one would have been but it is still hard to accept I own a $750 strobe - and it's not a Z240!! This is an expensive hobby and I'm still playing in shallow end with my water wings on.
OK - I'm done whining but this sure makes me feel for those with the top end hardware that have to replace it . Ouch!
OK - I'm done whining but this sure makes me feel for those with the top end hardware that have to replace it . Ouch!