Injured Diver--Brockville, Ontario

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Last weekend, 9/16-17, I heard, on my VHF, a conversation between a dive boat on the Daryaw and the coastguard. 2 divers were rushed to shore and taken to a local hospital by ambulance. Anyone know what happened and the outcome?
I know of one fifty some diver surfacing unconcious and being taken to the hospital . . . early morning like 9 or so . . . heard he made it thats all i know though . . .
Both Divers are OK. It happened on the Daryaw. Would like to know the other Captains that were present at the time.
Living in Ottawa and frequently diving in the Brockville area, this incident is a good reminder that dive accidents aren't something that just happen far away to be read about in the newspaper. I'm so glad to hear that they'll be ok.

I thought that the situation sounded familiar, and remembered an item I had read before my first dive on the Daryaw. See the "Horror Story" paragraph in this overview of diving this wreck: I don't know if this is the same area of the ship that was penetrated last week, but clearly great care - and experience - is required before considering any penetration.

Delsie, my wife and I are actually diving the Daryaw tomorrow. I'll check with the boat captain to see if he was one of the ones involved to pass on your thanks, and if not, for him to pass on the word to others. I'm sure he'll know who helped.
I remember doing some swim thrus on that wreck, I think, after following the line over to it. The Horror Story reminds me of when my hometown vacation diver buddy failed to follow me on a swim thru of the Busch off of Florida's Keys. I'd swam thru the cabin and out the other side only to learn he had not followed. Did a quick look on both sides and above before backtracking thru the cabin to see if he was inside. Saw the ladderway down to the engine room, shuddered at the thought - thinking no way my buddy would ever go there I hoped, and skipped it to return to the back deck - where he had been fiddling with his dive light and still stood. Wasted more air screaming at him thru my reg! We had some more words about staying together on the boat, and have since both taken the rescue course. He failed to stay with me on another occasion that week, when on a night dive I stuck my head in a coral cave to take pics of a turtle and an urchin now rare in the Keys - and he swam off with the group. I promised him the next time he left me, there would be a severe beating, as I always promise his mom to keep an eye on him.

Glad this thread involves all happy endings. :thumb:
I talked to the dive ops about this incident. It's confusing because the was another incident the same day. On this one, the two divers penetrated the Daryaw and lost their way out. They did find their way out but were almost out of air. Both did a rapid ascent from 90 feet and one diver surfaced OOA and unconscious and face in the water. The dive op dove in fully clothed to assist him. He was given O2 on board and was taken to Brockville General Hospital and then to The Ottawa Hospital. He totally recovered and was released that day. His dive buddy was OK but was feeling ill from the rapid ascent. I am sure there is more info still to come. I am so glad that both divers are OK . It was a close call.

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