Inexpensive strobes ?

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Toronto ON Canada
I just browsed the internet to check out the prices of external strobes. Have mercy - it's more expensive then my camera (Canon A 40) and the housing together.

Are there any less expensive alternatives?

I know going deeper you do need a strobe, but I can't really afford to spend $500 US...

Thanks in advance.
You'd be better off saving and using the Internal Strobe in the mean time.

At least that's my take on it, coming from a person who also hasn't bought a strobe yet.
:) better off then what?

Unfortunatelly, so far I see no alternative to just coughing up the big bucks. I was wondering if there are other ways...


I too was interested in an external strobe, and had no clue to the cost of them (quite costly), so I am going to learn how to shoot underwater pics for a while without the external strobe.

From some searching and reading alot of threads on this site, the recommendation is to shoot with the internal strobe, which does quite well from some of the pictures that I have seen. Some of the regulars also started without the external strobe and they seemed to be satisfied with internal lighting for pics.

Doing some searches on this site can produce quite a bit of info as "food for thought". Just type in a specific word or phrase that you want it to associate with, and most topics have been covered 10+ times or more.

Safe diving,

Thanks guys.

I was hoping for more :) , something like "no problem, just take two flashlights, duct tape..."

I think you are right though. Make the best out of what you got.
I'll try to work on my no-ext-strobe skills.
keep your eye's open on ebay for the old strobes for the S&S motormarine I . it came in 2 versions a corded one that use the "sealoc" connector and an optical version. they're not very powerfull ( ~ GN15) but they are cheap. they will give enough power for closeup/macro work.
the ike mv/m strobe is a simalar unit but more powerful/expencive.
Inexpensive and Strobes are an oxymoron! It's going to cost you for a good strobe.

James' idea for eBay is a good one except be careful that you find one that works with digital cameras...not all of them do!

That's another reason for seriously looking at the Sea & Sea YS90DX or the Ikelight DS125...they have both been designed to specifically work with digital cameras. The S&S is a simple to use manual strobe giving you control over the results. The Ikelite is a bit more involved with aiming sensors and controllers but it also offers a hotsire option with their Ike housing. I can answer any questions about the YS90DX but others will have to fill you in on the Ike.

All that'll be surprised how well the internal flash works. Yes, there are associated problems with backscatter and limitations but it will serve you well as you learn the camers and what both you and the camera can do. When you're ready, spend the money for a good strobe.

Just my 2¢

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