Inexpensive boats?

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Crazy Fingers

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Not having my own boat (and not knowing anyone who does) has thus far limited me to shore dives. I like it, but I am fast checking off every place I can reasonably do it. I want to do some boat dives, but I just can't justify $75 plus air for some guy to take me less than a mile offshore. (SE FL)

Do you all know of some operations that don't cost a fortune for a 10 minute boat ride?
I'd like to know where there are any ten minute boat rides!! By the time you leave the dock, go up/down the ICW, go out the inlet and to the reef...well heck, that's a lot longer than ten minutes (and don't get me started on the cost of the boat, insurance, dockage, fuel, employees, etc...)

Well anyway, maybe you should just join Kayuba, their boat trips offshore are about ten minutes... :D
I'd like to know where there are any ten minute boat rides!! By the time you leave the dock, go up/down the ICW, go out the inlet and to the reef...well heck, that's a lot longer than ten minutes (and don't get me started on the cost of the boat, insurance, dockage, fuel, employees, etc...)

Well anyway, maybe you should just join Kayuba, their boat trips offshore are about ten minutes... :D

Fine, 10-20 minutes of actual running and 20 minutes of dilly-dallying in the ICW. Point is the same. I think it costs a lot of money for the distance you actually get transported.
Crazy Fingers:
Fine, 10-20 minutes of actual running and 20 minutes of dilly-dallying in the ICW. Point is the same. I think it costs a lot of money for the distance you actually get transported.

When you book aboard a diving charter, you are paying for much more than "a 10-20 minute boat ride" and "20 minutes of dilly-dallying in the ICW". The Captain of that boat taking you on the 10-20 minute ride is a federally licensed professional boat master, responsible for your well being on the seas. He is operating an expensive boat that must be paid for, along with the excessive insurance, Coast Guard licensing fees, fuel, maintenance, and other related expenses. I expect you have NO CONCEPT of exactly how high those expenses can run.

Crazy Fingers, this is an expensive sport. I wish it were not the case, but it is. Maybe you should take up golf. After all, they couldn't charge you much more than $2 or $3 "just to walk around" their 3 million dollar golf course.

Phil Ellis
Phil, well said! Bravo!!!
Save your money and buy your own boat. Then set it all up, get a good trailer and a big car to tow it or just get a mariner berth. Work out your costs including fuel and maintance, divide that by how ofthen you use the boat and then you will think $75 was pretty cheap after all.
Having said that there is nothing like having your own boat and being able to choose when and where you are going to go and who you are going with.
Well it certainly looks like I've struck a nerve with you guys. If you all have no problem paying $75, then fine. More power to you! I think it's too expensive, especially if it's a 20+ person boat. Frankly, I don't care how good the service is on the boat. I am not on the boat for the experience, I'm just on the boat to get from point A to point B. The experience is the dive. And while he may be federally licensed and responsible for my safety, I know that the only one who is truly responsible for my well-being is myself. So barring some sort of ridiculously brazen move like leaving us floating in the open ocean or running into reefs, I am not too concerned about that either.

Perhaps we can answer the question now -- which boats are the least expensive?
Average price for a 2 tank trip in S. Florida is $55.00. A good deal in my book with current fuel prices and general maintance costs. I never operated my own boat for less than $200.00 a month and that was when fuel was $1.42 a gallon. I can promise you most charter owners have been sharpening thier pencils to make ends meet with current fuel prices, and insurance rates. Go get your own boat and dive cheaper if is possible? I think the math will tell you are not getting a bad deal on most charters.
Which boats are charging $75???
The Captain of that boat taking you on the 10-20 minute ride is a federally licensed professional boat master, responsible for your well being on the seas.

No pun intended, but your reply deserves the other side of the coin be presented with the same tone.

Neither the boat Captain, nor the DM are really responsible for your well being on the seas. They are responsible for their own. As you mentioned, boat captains are USCG certified, which makes them criminally liable to the State in the event the investigation into the aftermath of an accident shows the boat captain acted negligently while operating the boat; examples include, but are not limited to, operating the boat under the influence, running over a diver because of being distracted while the boat was in motion, and so on, which ironically, is a deterrence to keep them from being negligent. Their liability to you, the diver, is civil in nature, and it is waived the minute the diver signs the release from liability form, without which you don't get on the boat.

Here's an excerpt of the release of one of the South Florida local dive operators; the names of the operator, of the owners, and of the boats have been redacted to maintain anonymity.

I understand that neither OWNER, DIVE OPERATOR, INC., the owner or crew of the vessels BOAT NAME, BOAT NAME, or BOAT NAME, nor the vessel BOAT NAME, BOAT NAME, BOAT NAME may be held liable in any way for any occurrence on this dive trip
which may result in personal injury, property damage, wrongful death; and the undersigned does for him/herself, and his/her heirs, executors, administrators and for his/her estate, and agrees that under no circumstances will he/she or his/her heirs, executors, administrators or assigns prosecute or present any claim for personal injury, personal damage or wrongful death, against the above listed entities or individuals for any said persons, or otherwise.

Courts put a lot of weight into the releases signed by each diver, which means that even if your personal representative was to civily sue the operator because the Captain was found to be criminally negligent, and that criminal negligence caused your demise, the release of liability you signed prior to getting on the boat, would allow a defense of assumption of risk, which would more likely than not, cause the civil suit to be dismissed, and the dismissal affirmed at the appellate level. BTW, the argument of "he didn't know what he was signing" would be laughed out of court.

I realize that general overhead will drive prices up, but, like CF, I wouldn't pay $75.00, plus tanks (I'd like to know which operator charges that though), which will be an easy $100.00 expense (including a very minimal tip to the DM), per diver, which for me would be the expense X 3, for a "[4] hour tour[,]" especially if they are not even going to assume the civil liability for driving the boat judiciously. I will, however, gladly spend whatever money would be required in costs, to go on my own boat, even if the same "[4] hour tour[,]" costs me 4 or 5 times the money. At least that way I wouldn't be subject to someone else's decision of where I'm going to dive, or whether the tour will be 4 hours, and if I'm smart, the operating costs can be tax deductible.

Let's keep things in perspective before we admonish anyone for not wanting to pay an amount they would consider unreasonable for a dive charter, shall we????

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