Independent DM ?

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Why not do the UTD training for your own satisfaction and train PADI with the LDS for your career goal?
I can understand why they would want you to wear standard gear. It helps to set the example and makes it easier for students/inexperienced divers to model you. Have a set of LDS gear for days that you DM.
You're beginning to understand the in and outs of DMing and Instr-ing, as well as how shops make their money.

Agency standards are the biggie, any PADI shop instr or independent PADI instr is still only going to use PADI trained certified asst., an that means rated and insured DMs, AIs or Instr's, to assist them.

It just does not work any other way, too much liability at stake.

As for shops and gear, some are amazingly strict on what a DM or Instr wears as gear. Some right down to style and model of each piece.

Some are more general, and as long as they sell it, it's ok.

As others have said, "Their Shop, so Their Rules".
It's not a big deal. I spoke with a shop and when I get my insurance they're willing to let me work with them as an independent DM for the agency I'd trained under. If that doesn't work out, I'm okay to remain indy or talk with other shops or clear out my savings and start my own shop if I must. Either way, I'll make it work out exactly the way I want it to.
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Just because an instructor is independent does not free them from agency rules. PADI says you can't use anyone as a certified assistant who is not a PADI DM, AI or Instructor. You have to follow those rules if you are a PADI instructor, or you are in violation of standards. I believe it is unclear whether you can be assisted by someone from another agency, if they are not counted toward ratios, but I'd hate to be in a liability situation where something went wrong in the hands of a non-PADI assistant, because I don't think you'd get any support from PADI on that.

The fact is that choosing a niche agency to get a DM rating from is going to limit your teaching options, although, as my husband pointed out, it may not limit your functions in other areas of DMing.

That's not what I meant.

I meant you don't have to buy, rent, use the equipment they sell, etc. I didn't say anything about not having to follow the agency standards.

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