Wow Tommy, rough dive & close call. :shocked2: Just amazing. I am so glad you came out of it ok and thank you for coming here to tell us your story. I did not see any mention of DAN
DAN Divers Alert Network but even if you have not talked with them, I am sure they would like to work with you, learn about your accident as well as offer medical advice from some of the top dive doctors in the world. They take emergency calls collect 24/7 for anything, even my grandson's ear drum injury free diving, but non-emergency conversations are best during business hours.
Otherwise, do any of you members giving medical advise here happen to be licensed to practice medicine?
Jeeze! DAN
Alert Diver magazine had an excellent article on PFOs, with comments from actual dive physicians. See
Alert Diver | PFO and Decompression Illness in Recreational Divers but some of the comments may surprise you. A few of interest...
Dr. Richard Moon: It is important to keep in mind several issues. First, the relationship between PFO and DCS is an association. While there is a plausible explanation for the apparent connection (i.e., DCS triggered by arterial bubbles), this is not yet proven. Indeed, PFO has not been linked to the most common symptoms such as pain-only bends, numbness, tingling or fatigue.
Dr. Bove: I would not recommend PFO closure in any sport diver, whether or not the diver had a DCS incident.
But there is a lot more there to learn from.
So what do you base that claim on? It certainly contradicts the expert panel referenced.