I may be missing something here, but where did you get that idea? It sounds like he was OOA and ascended sharing...
I don't think that has been presented here before. Are you saying that he was?
I don't know for sure. Nobody in this thread does. That said, and I HATE to speculate, but only since you asked Don here is only my reasoning and RESPECTFULLY IN NO WAY FACT of course...
It is likely the incident STARTED at depth. Other posts in this thread say "they heard" he was not sharing an octo (in fact all the posts in this thread are "they heard" posts at this point) and did possibly ditch the weights. I put the other post below my comments. It was also reported that the weights were found on the bottom in this thread. Somebody ditched them. Maybe during rescue. Most of the time when someone bolts to the surface, panic has taken control. The real question at the heart of prevention here is likely what exactly caused that panic or bolting to take place? Lost mask, lost buddy, anxiety from a number of things like too much weight for one, or new gear or task loading, medical issue (not likely), gear issue (not usually likely), OOA (possible but rare). It was also reported that the diver came to the surface then went back under. It was likely the rapid ascent that left the diver unresponsive upon surfacing or shortly thereafter IF and assuming the diver wasn't sharing the octo with the buddy.
IMHO ditching the amount of weight that was REPORTEDLY found at the bottom was possibly a cause and not a prevention IF the weights were ditched at depth unless they were ditched during rescue. We don't know yet.
IMHO if you are OOA at depth or having any issue at depth then find your buddy, don't ditch and bolt.

Only panicked divers ditch and bolt usually. MOST issues can and should be dealt with at depth. Otherwise why dive with a buddy. Ditching weight is an important skill but it should also be pointed out that ditching 20 plus pounds of weight can be deadly.
Of course, we don't know what happened at this point so forgive me if i am making it sound like I know for sure. I hate these threads. I try not to get involved with them out of respect, but if something can be learned and a life can be saved in the future then these threads are justified I hope.
Thanks. We were there and kept hearing conflicting information on site. Just wanted to see if anyone had verified information.
We were told he was 16, was at the base of the island by the plane at 60 ft but ascended via the plane but did not take his dads octo and was basically a cesa. All hearsay and not verified.
He went back under after surfacing and his father went back under to get him. We saw that much.
We saw most of the rescue but dont have details if what happened under the water.
Wondering how it turned out after the ambulance left. They left with sirens blazing so I hope that is a good sign.
Any other info?