Custom Divers makes this Radar Detectable SMB called the seeker I am thinking about buying. Any opinions would be helpful.
Quality Diving Equipment by Custom Divers - SEEKER - RADAR DETECTABLE SMB
Until recently there was one DSMB that got very heavily used/advocated in the UK and that was by AP Valves. Custom Divers has taken that DSMB and updated it, so that you have four ways to fill it (very handy)! Oral inflation blowing down a tube, you can connect the same tube to your low pressure inflator, a crack bottle or the traditional method of purging a reg into the bottom of the DSMB.
I've played with both DSMB's by AP Valves and Custom Divers. I actively choose to dive the Seeker because it's also radar detectable. The people that I dive with will send up a blob (DSMB) at the end of every dive as a matter of course. It keeps your skill sweet and as the majority of our diving is done in the seas around the UK, it's necessary. (As an aside we've abandoned cheap DSMB's because they start leaking and don't last).
The Custom Divers DSMB is well made, robust and should last you years. It's worth writing your name on it in black marker pen, (with the letters running down the length of the blob) then the boat can see who is decompressing underneath. This DSMB is sensibly sized. Whilst it might seem a brilliant idea to have a huge DSMB, they are not always that easy to successfully deploy.
One person advocated Finger Reels. I prefer a well made reel from someone like Kent Tooling or Custom Divers. I've tried a Finger Reel once and didn't like it. That doesn't make it a bad piece of kit, just something that I didn't really get on with.
In my opnion, pretty much every diver ought to have a strong core set of skills and included in this suite should be DSMB deployment. As someone else wrote in this post, you can't always rely on another diver or the Guide's DSMB.
If you are a member of dive club, go and play in the deep end of a swimming pool to get the basics and practice deploying this. Ask someone to sit on the surface who can empty it of air so that you can reel it back underwater and have another go. The blob is not going to be fully filled as it's only got a short way to travel, but it does allow you to start building muscle memory in benign conditions.
Or if you can't do that, then ask someone to mentor you and slowly build this skill up so that you can do it. That's what happened to me. And once you are competent and happy, then pass this skill onto someone else.