Hello all,
As I had mentioned before, I don't get to contribute much but a day doesn't go by that I don't read or print out and later read pages and pages of everything here.
It's interesting and extremely educational to go back to the early days of this board and watch it grow larger, closer, and stronger together while growing further away from the garbage and nightmares that can be experienced elsewhere on other forums.
I also find it interesting that those involved with running all these sites are very firm in their positions, no matter how much they bend... hehe, no that wasn't a typo, I am refering to the way, that I have witnessed, while reading all these post, that they take every percaution to not just force things "their way" nor let things just run wild. They actually take all of our input and make sure everyting is enjoyable for as many as possible.
I can't even begin to tell you how much I want to thank all of you here. I've learned more from all of the members and moderators in each week of reading than I ever did during any instruction or training. The class and style that most of you display is so refreshing. Anymore, it seems, this is a very rare find.
It's amazing, but it seem's as if I have finially found a true virtual family.