Thank you for mentioning this. That should be the take-home message to the general diving audience regarding IPE.
So far, here's what we know about IPE in divers:
- It's a rare condition, yet probably somewhat underreported.
- We don't understand the pathogenetic mechanism which underlies the condition.
- As currently structured, first aid response guidelines would address IPE appropriately even in the absence of a definitive diagnosis.
- IPE in divers in many cases has been shown to be survivable, given the appropriate first aid response.
Considering the above, I don't think IPE warrants the increased attention we're seeing in this and other SB threads. Others are free to disagree with me on this point.
If a diver is having problems breathing, the course of action is clear: abort the dive, obtain first aid (if necessary), and seek professional medical attention. I don't think Joe Blow diver needs to know about the possibility of IPE to scare him into carrying out such actions. Breathing problems, caused by anything, are serious enough.