I'm Just Giddy

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New York City
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0 - 24
My wife and I just flew back to LaGuardia from a trip to Curacao where we got our Open Water certifications and logged 12 dives.

Now--you would think that I've spent all day catching up on the huge pile of work that gathered up on my desk while I was away, right?--I spent all day today trying to decide what our next diving move is.

Seems from the posts like the next logical step is a trip out to Dutch Springs, right? So coupla Dutch Springs questions. We need 7mm wetsuits and hoods?--really!? (Not the 81 degrees it was in Curacao, THAT'S for sure). Camping out there's the way to go?

Beach 8th St looks cool, too. So does the Jeanne II.

My head's kinda spinning. Anybody got any thoughts?
Congratulations to you and your wife on your OW. Curacao was my first dive trip after my OW and I enjoyed the freedom of diving without a wetsuit while I was there.

I prefer tropical diving but recently considered Dutch Springs just to get some additional bottom time experience. I'm headed to Costa Rica next weekend to get AOW.

I don't no additional thoughs other than I find your giddiness very infectious. Keep it up.
ScubaSamantha, I was looking at your profile, thinking how similar we were. THEN I noticed your 90 posts compared to my paltry 2. Bottom Time?--who NEEDS bottom time! . . . you get mad props for mucheo, mucheo post-e-os.

Enjoy Costa Rica! That'll be AWESOME!

Most of it is just welcoming new members because when I first posted everyone was so warm, funny and inviting.

Let me now when you and your wife do any local dives in the area and if I'm in town I'll meet you guys at the site.
My wife and I just flew back to LaGuardia from a trip to Curacao where we got our Open Water certifications and logged 12 dives.

Now--you would think that I've spent all day catching up on the huge pile of work that gathered up on my desk while I was away, right?--I spent all day today trying to decide what our next diving move is.

Seems from the posts like the next logical step is a trip out to Dutch Springs, right? So coupla Dutch Springs questions. We need 7mm wetsuits and hoods?--really!? (Not the 81 degrees it was in Curacao, THAT'S for sure). Camping out there's the way to go?

Beach 8th St looks cool, too. So does the Jeanne II.

My head's kinda spinning. Anybody got any thoughts?
A couple. You're living near some of the most interesting and productive diving in the world and you want to go to Dutch Springs?! Get on a boat and dive Wreck Valley. If you have any concerns, hook up with a dive shop and have them introduce you to serious, rewarding scuba. Dive a quarry? Save the gas and be a REAL diver.
Well, we're thinkin' of diving Beach 8th Street on Saturday. Looks as if "The Dive Club" is going out at about 2:30 and we're hopin' on joining with them.
Go to B8th and go to Dutch a few times and get used to the cold, low viz, and heavy wets suits etc...it's a world away from diving in the ABC's trust me. I would suggest taking a cold water intro class from a LDS or maybe doing aow at dutch then you can think about diving wreck valley. Wreck valley is great BUT it can be a terrorride for some compared to the ABC's.

Wreck Valley...average depth (90ft+), average current (lose the line and you are gone gone gone and you better have an smb and not be prone to panic!), average visibility (5-10 ft), average temp at depth (49 degrees and colder the deeper ya go), average boat ride (LONG), average seas (4++ ft), the list goes on...snags, silt outs, extra gear and sometimes certifications are required depending on the boat...you have a lot to look into. It may seem like I am being a spoil sport but I am not. I am not even being cautious. Just honest. Even Dutch can seem like a pool compared to Wreck Valley.

On the other hand...CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :D:D:D:D I know how you feel and I still feel the same after 7 years diving now. And even after seven years I still feel like I sometimes don't have a clue and still have lots to learn. Take it slow and be prepared and you can dive anything anywhere. :D

Just putting a 7mil on the first time in the summer wares most people out.:wink: I'll see you at B8th on Saturday!

Thanks, Jason. I appreciate your honesty. I really do. We're certainly starting to see that there are major differences between the two experiences. But we're not so much deterred as we are intrigued.

We couldn't get it together to actually dive B8th today. But we're gonna come out to bubble watch and maybe meet some people. Take care!
Thanks, Jason. I appreciate your honesty. I really do. We're certainly starting to see that there are major differences between the two experiences. But we're not so much deterred as we are intrigued.

We couldn't get it together to actually dive B8th today. But we're gonna come out to bubble watch and maybe meet some people. Take care!

No problem!!! I will be there today so look for me. My photo is in my profile and I will be in a small greyish colored mazda suv or by my buddy in his maroon suv.

Happy diving to you both in the future. My wife dives as well but at the moment she is in her third trimester so ...:wink:

I was going to dive on the Eagle''s Nest boat tomorrow out of LI but it was canceled due to weather so I guess I will be back at B8th on Sunday. It was a god schedule for newer NE divers with wrecks scheduled at depths between 60-80 feet. I usually have no interest in doing the deeper stuff.

Also, if you want good shore diving look into Cape Ann MA and The St Lawrence River. Both are good intro's to NE diving and are filled with free shore dives. Go to shorediving.com for more info. I am known as jasonnyc there.

Glad to here you have the bug. Diving is a great sport and you will meet many great people. Spend some time getting more dives under your belt and your AOW. You will become a better and safer diver. Then head out and dive the NJ sites.

Guess I'm not much a diver as I dive Dutch Springs once a week to relax and keep my skills up for trips during the year. The 7mm suit is ideal if you tend to go deep but if you stay above 60ft a 5mm with a hood will work fine. I posted a few pictures of the last two weeks at DS in another thread.

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