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Aloha Christi!

Good to hear that you made it thru and that you will be back in business soon. Bless you for your help and kindness towards others. Best of Luck.

Good to hear you're safe and sound! Some of us were just talking about Coz the other day. I'd like to come down next summer but chances are slim. Only so many vacation days and so much money for each trip. If we do make it I'd love to give you our business.
I have been reading some very disturbing reports that I am closing up and moving back to TX...NOT TRUE! I can do more good here right now communicating with customers and getting back to business as usual...I cannot do that in Coz with no electricity or internet.

We (my crew and I) are not walking away, or giving up. We WILL be OK and are determined to come back stronger than ever.

My crew and I (and my amazing "refugees" who are now family in my book...I truly love these people) have been working tirelessly all week to put things back together one piece at a time.

I just spoke to Mago and the engine is GOOD! All fluids were drained, and the carburetor was thoroughly cleaned, as well as all the other moving parts in the engine. Mago and Pedro took Shamu out for a spin with the mechanic this afternoon and he said it was running very well...I am very fortunate for this and I credit Mago and Pedro for securing the boat and getting her out of the water before Wilma came through. We still have some fiberglass work to do and will have to replace the frame for the canopy, but as mentioned above, Shamu will be ready for my Thanksgiving week guests and I cannot wait to see everyone!

I need a good solid nights rest as I haven't really slept a whole night through in over a week and I will be plugging away to get in touch with the people that make our livlihoods possible.

Sweet dreams everyone and a million thanks again for your continued support and encouragement!

Great to hear that you are well. :dance: :dance: :dance:

I am not surprised to hear that you are off the island to take care of your business. The reason I'm not surprised is that I've met you. Having met you, I know that you realize that the people that work for/with you are that business. I'm sure you'll take care of them.

Through your passion to take care of them (and obviously others) the future of your team is as bright as the sun after the storm.:sunny Bless you and your team. Good luck.

I just heard from Roberto and Michaela, and am so happy to hear that they also are well.

Having come to realize that Roberto, Michaela and yourself are fine people, I am very pleased that each of you has come out of your nightmare in reasonably good shape.

I've never been the biggest believer in karma, but I may need to reconsider, as both Shamu and Bonita Luna appear to be in pretty good shape (considering)!:35:

Great to hear that you are well. :dance: :dance: :dance:

I am not surprised to hear that you are off the island to take care of your business. The reason I'm not surprised is that I've met you. Having met you, I know that you realize that the people that work for/with you are that business. I'm sure you'll take care of them.

Through your passion to take care of them (and obviously others) the future of your team is as bright as the sun after the storm.:sunny Bless you and your team. Good luck.

I just heard from Roberto and Michaela, and am so happy to hear that they also are well.

Having come to realize that Roberto, Michaela and yourself are fine people, I am very pleased that each of you has come out of your nightmare in reasonably good shape.

I've never been the biggest believer in karma, but I may need to reconsider, as both Shamu and Bonita Luna appear to be in pretty good shape (considering)!:35:

Yes, I am SOOO happy that my buds are ok as well...I tried several times to call them before I got out today with no luck...I am hoping to get in touch with Michaela tomorrow. We are all going to be ok...we just have to keep the faith and keep doing what we love!

Thanks for your support and encouragement! I hope to see you soon!!!
Hey Christi:

Chris and I have been following your situation since the storm hit. It's great to see you all came through it in one piece. Please give us a call after you get settled so we can take you to dinner and catch up on everrything. Mario
I'm so glad to hear you're OK and that you will be up and running again soon, Christi! This proves it -- Ford trucks aren't the only things that are TEXAS TOUGH! Those of us from the Lone Star State are a pretty resilient bunch... :D
Hi, Christi.

Send me your phone number and I'll call you over the weekend? you can PM it to me or email it.

Yes, you staying on the island getting sick, possibly, would have helped no one.

I had a ticket booked prior to the hurricane which was cancelled.

Continental sent three rescue flights in today.

I got on the waiting list yesterday morning at 10:00.

I didn't get off the island to "run away", I came to work so that I can keep my crew fed and employed. There is nothing I can do on the island at this point other than use resources needed for others. As I said, I can be more useful to my clients and crew here with electricity, internet and phone service.

I'll be in touch after I get some rest.

By the way everyone...it seems as if my e-mail account is acting up...can't send or recieve right now. I am sure I just need to reset some things here with the ISP, which I will take care of tomorrow. Your patience is gold...thank you!
I have been reading some very disturbing reports that I am closing up and moving back to TX...NOT TRUE! I can do more good here right now communicating with customers and getting back to business as usual...I cannot do that in Coz with no electricity or internet.

We (my crew and I) are not walking away, or giving up. We WILL be OK and are determined to come back stronger than ever.

My crew and I (and my amazing "refugees" who are now family in my book...I truly love these people) have been working tirelessly all week to put things back together one piece at a time.

I just spoke to Mago and the engine is GOOD! All fluids were drained, and the carburetor was thoroughly cleaned, as well as all the other moving parts in the engine. Mago and Pedro took Shamu out for a spin with the mechanic this afternoon and he said it was running very well...I am very fortunate for this and I credit Mago and Pedro for securing the boat and getting her out of the water before Wilma came through. We still have some fiberglass work to do and will have to replace the frame for the canopy, but as mentioned above, Shamu will be ready for my Thanksgiving week guests and I cannot wait to see everyone!

I need a good solid nights rest as I haven't really slept a whole night through in over a week and I will be plugging away to get in touch with the people that make our livlihoods possible.

Sweet dreams everyone and a million thanks again for your continued support and encouragement!

I was really pulling for you and glad you made it out okay. I've never met you personally but had several interactions with you via the message boards. I know you won't give it up you are too resilient. Although I have never dove with you when I come back to Coz which should be pretty soon I'm booking my diving with you. Get some rest and report back when you feel up to it. Just glad to hear you're okay!!!! :D
Christi, whoever is giving you grief and starting rumors...send 'em my way and I'll smack 'em around like a pod person in a Mexican prison.

Glad you're safe and taking care of business! Make sure to take care of YOU as well.
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