If you enjoyed the mermaid thread...

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The O.C.
Please petition the "staff" to repost the thread.

Well I'm sure we broke the TOS somewhere along the line. It was fun. Most fun things are illegal right?
Its always fun until someone loses an eye.....I thought it was innocent, but I tend to be pretty open minded and find things funny that others may not
I showed restraint and didn't even post the green acres song or reply

there's my tractor, these are soy beans

I thought it was pretty tame
Dear users,

ScubaBoard is a safe haven. We want everyone to be able to use this resource without being offended by the content. While some things seem harmlessly fun, they are simply inappropriate for our "work place friendly" atmosphere. While we don't want to get in the way of fun, we don't want to make others feel uncomfortable either.

Hopefully this will explain our actions on this. Please feel free to PM me if you have any additional questions.
Oops, I guess I'd better take that mermaid calendar off my Internet access computer!

Seriously, although I never even checked out the thread it doesn't surprise me that it was pulled. Although many may not be offended, SB does need to consider those that might be (unless they're total prisses).
I like it but I do understand why it went away.

But I'm kinda prissy.
I didn't get to see the thread, but here's an idea: How about an opt in only forum for threads like that? Instead of pulling the thread, it just gets moved to the dark room in the back with the over 18 only sign on the door... :wink:

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