We all gotta got sometime. You mentioned recently that "since i have a dangerous sport, we should spend more time together now" and I replied that I thought that would be a good idea...
For me - it's much more likely to happen on the road than scuba diving. Nonetheless, I am going to borrow a text from an experienced diver - posted on
www.Scubaboard.com, change a few words to fit my feelings, and add some additional ideas.
In the unlikely event that this ever comes to pass, please accept these requests listed below, then go to SBoard, sign up as a member, introduce yourself on the Accidents forum as DandyDon's daughter, and post this, okay...??
If I should die while diving.
If I should die while diving please do not hesitate to encourage others to discuss the incident and assess every element with a view to furthering their understanding of how to enhance diver safety.
Get the facts. They won't be readily available and will definitely not be correct as reported by the media. But get the facts as best you can.
Please understand, as I already do, that it will most likely involve fault on my part to some degree or another so do not hesitate to point that out and tell others it's fine to discuss this on SB as well. They already know that I'm human, that I do push the limits, and that I make mistakes.
Some of the fault may possibly belong to my buddy and that needs to be honestly assessed as well though I must admit this is one area where I hope that compassion will be in the mix. If thought so, please convey to him/her your forgiveness - and that I'll kick his/her butt later. True or not, encourage him/her to seek assistance with what's known as Critical Incident Stress.
There might be those who try to squelch discussion out of a misplaced notion of respect for the deceased, family and friends. They can say nice things about me at my funeral, but in the scuba community I want the incident discussed.
I am well insured through Divers Alert Network
www.diversalertnetwork.org - so call them to discuss what benefits are available to pay for any expenses of shipping me home, etc. If I lose any expensive equipment, they should pay you for that, as well as other possible expenses and loses. If I am out of the country, you should also have a copy of my Trip Insurance.
If I should only be lost at sea and presumed dead, perhaps encourage the Coast Guard to look a little longer as I am more of a survivor than most, or call your Congressman and ask him to use any influence on the foreign country's government to do so.
However, please also advise that we do not want anyone taking any risks, especially if enough time has past that there's no hope for finding me alive. You don't need my body to have whatever services you'd like to have. Those caskets and vaults are expensive anyway.
Please do tell and remind people that I thought life was more important for living than simply extending, and I'd much rather go at sea than rotting in an old folks' home.
You have my USMC paperwork for an official request through proper channels to request a honor guard, but call the Staff Officer-In-Charge at the Lubbock Reserve unit to advise them immediately, advising that I was a member of that unit during the Viet Nam funerals, that I served on a few of those myself, and that we appreciate them being there for us. We do take care of our own in the Corps.
your Dad