IDC in Phuket. Scuba Cat or...?

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I'm a PADI Divemaster (among other things) with about 250 dives (none of them DM'ing) under my belt.

I'm going to work for a dive shop in Phuket for the next season (I already got the job). Now I'm just wondering would it be a good idea to do the IDC before starting working, so I could instruct as well as DM? The shop owner suggested I'd do the IDC, then I could instruct for a week, and DM for a week and so on. Instructing would be paid better, but the work would probably be more "boring" and harder than just DM'ing.

Do any of you have any idea how long I would have to work instructing in order to "pay" for the IDC compared to just doing the DM work? The shop owner of course has his opinion, but I would like to hear from others as well.

I am not talking about an internship or anything like that, I would be working and getting paid for the work I do.

Do you have any opinions on where to take the IDC while in Phuket? I've searched the web, and come across a few places (Scuba Cat, Indepth Instruction, Sea Fun Divers, Bent, Dive Asia to name a few), and have sent an inquiry to all of them. Price-wise they are pretty close to each other (around 80.000 baht with all PADI fees, accommodation and gear), and their programs seem to be pretty similar too.

At the moment, I'm leaning towards Scuba Cat only for the reason that they promise free day trips before I start the IDC, and a free liveaboard as well.

I am not interested to do any of the specialities. But do I really need to be an EFRi as well?

Any opinions and suggestions are very welcome!

Thanks in advance!
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Hi there,

Unless the rules have changed in the last few months (would not be suprised if they had) you will not be able to get a work permit unless you can prove you are an instructor. Or are you a Thai National?

Be careful of promises regarding inclusions in dive packages :)

Why don't you do the IDC at the dive shop that has employed you? Then they would know that the training you received was top quality.....
Why don't you do the IDC at the dive shop that has employed you? Then they would know that the training you received was top quality.....
Or at least ask them their recommendation, since they probably can't teach IDC's.

Yes, make sure you get your work permit, or you're taking big risks.
Oh, and I would be very careful with who you're going to work for. Some DC's have been offering work to people, and by the time they came here there was no work, or just a bit very badly paid work, let alone legal work.
i did my IDC with scuba cat and it was AWESOME!! I got so many dives while i was there, the liveaboard situation was awesome, and the staff was great (and fun).

You need to be an EFRI now in order to be a padi instructor, its required :) I would recommend doing an IDC- the price includes accomodation, and will get you into the country and on island. While doing the idc you will have time to meet the other shops and ensure that the shop you already talked to is really offering you full time work. if it doesnt work out work-wise, at least youll get your instructors cert out of it.

have fun, and say hi to the gang at scuba cat for me!
ps :D

you can pm me if you have any q's about the program? shop? island? etc
I was there for about 8 months
Thanks for your replies everyone!

The DC I'm gonna work for is very trustworthy - I know the owner from back home.

As for the work permit, however... The DC can not give me one, and I'm looking for other options. There are some people that will help set up my own "business", and the DC would then hire the business - which would be me. Or, I'll just take my chances...

But what about the pay? I would be getting X baht for a day DM'ing, and three times that per one student per (OW) course. That would mean that if I run an OW course for just one person (3 days) I would be getting the same as DM'ing for three days. With two students I would get double the money as DM'ing, and with three students it would be triple - for the same amount of time. I think that sounds fairly good?? I would need to certify roughly 30 students for OW and the IDC would be "paid" for.

I am pondering this, as the money I would need to get there and pay for the IDC is a considerable amount, and I just may need to loan some of it - depending on my luck with work during the next couple of months. However, it seems it just might be worth it. 10 OW certs in a month, and all I would need is three months. I don't think that thats impossible?

And yes, the shop I'll be working for does not offer IDC:s, and yes, I am asking for their recommendations also. The owner also promised me, that if they get a commission for booking me for an IDC run by another facility, I'll be the one getting the commission. That too sounds pretty good to me.

annieols, I think I will PM you when more questions arise concerning Scuba Cat or the island, but one quick question: The free liveaboard they promise for IDC candidates is a real, free liveaboard trip with no strings attached? No DM'ing for other passangers, just diving and having fun? Where did you go to, Hin Daeng or the Similans? Could you choose the dates and destinations freely, or is it fixed somehow or do the paying customers come first, and you could only go when there was room?

Thanks everyone, and keep it coming! I'm especially interested in the CDC:s that offer IDC:s - is there a difference between them?
800 Baht for DM on a 2-tank day is pretty standard, but 2,400 Baht for an open water course is not paid very well.

Take into account, that the last couple of years the number of students on a course has on average been lower than it used to be, I expect 2 students to be the norm.

The owner also promised me, that if they get a commission for booking me for an IDC run by another facility, I'll be the one getting the commission.
Not if, he will get a commission.

Make sure you stick to your standard plus teach quality courses. And with 3 day courses that is not easy, especially not if 2 of those days are boat days. Let alone for a starting instructor.
800 Baht for DM on a 2-tank day is pretty standard, but 2,400 Baht for an open water course is not paid very well.

That would be per student, and if there would be two students that would still be twice the pay compared to DM'ing. Maybe not very good, but definitely better, no? And I believe there would be one classroom / pool day, one beach day and one boat day.

I would be a newbie scuba-instructor, that's for sure, but no way would I be a newbie teacher - I've been actively teaching in schools for almost ten years now, so I'm pretty familiar with the concepts of passing knowledge to others, and I think I am pretty good at spotting peoples differences and concerns. Three days is not very much though...

On a sidenote, how much is PADI taking for an OW student in materials and fees?
That would be per student, and if there would be two students that would still be twice the pay compared to DM'ing. Maybe not very good, but definitely better, no?
Yes, better than DM, but not on par with what is commonly paid on Phuket, or put differently: less than nearly all DC's pay.
Personally I also don't think it is fair to pay an instructor the same for an open water course as for 3 days guiding, if only because of the greater responsibilities. Since you'' be working free lance you also should get a commission for sales of continuing education, equipment, etc.

So if you want to do things legal, with work permit, paying taxes, etc., this pay won't be enough, certainly not for one student.

A DC hiring people without work permit always makes me wonder: how is their liability insurance, if any, do they have accident insurance, do they have their compulsory TAT license, let alone things like quality of equipment etc.

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