ID a Stroke

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They dive the rule of halfs.
Ah, but if one truly understands the "rule of halves" then one can dive it perfectly safely, just as one who does not fully understand the "rule of thirds" can dive that dangerously - and be a stroke!
Yes, yes... 'tis all in how you look at it and study it... plan it and execute it... :)
Back to the original topic- for example people attempting a "deep-stops"-like profile yet are unable to explain exactly why they're doing so.

What level of explaination are you expecting? At some point, its just theory.
I find that thought process fascinating. I guess you don’t meet new people at parties, since they don’t have a little board with their religious and political views on their back.

Back in the olden days, you listened to what people said and decided if you wanted to get to know them better based on their thoughts and beliefs. You would then engage them in conversation to see if you have more in common. This thread provides that opportunity (one of the reasons I posted it).

So, if you find the thread interesting and think it can add value to your life, then post to it and get to know me, if not, don’t and don’t.

You may want to consider your manners though :)


I lead a very social life and get to meet people like myself (working class) up to the rich and famous but I usually get some idea of a persons background whilst talking to them. Not that I am judging them as good or bad but I do like to know are they speaking from experience or is this just how they feel. As opposed to someone on the board For all I know about someone that has not filled out a profile they may be anything from a delinquent adolescent to a escapee from an asylum. I am sure you have heard the saying "consider the source" If I know nothing about a person that posts then there is nothing to gauge what is being said by that person.

I may be wrong but as far as I know there is no field in the profile box for religion or political affiliation and this is not something I would care to know unless we were discussing one of them.

Manners it would seem I have offended you? this was not the intention and I don't know what it was that I said that did offend you, let me know it may or may not be a misunderstanding.

Likewise you don't have to read/respond to my posts like you I have opinions, your opinion of a stroke may upset others as mine has upset you.
Remember, the original 'deep stops' of the modern era was simply to empty the swim bladder of the fish that was collected on the dive.

For anyone who doesn't get the reference, search on Pyle and deep stops and learn some of the history that predates and gives birth to the modern theory.
What level of explaination are you expecting? At some point, its just theory.
I was referring to radical/non-traditional practices based on non-existent theory, or theory of unknown or "secret" origin.

For example, (a humorous example off the top of my head) if someone were to say to me, "oh, no, I just ascend faster than the bubbles can form" I would be walking away pretty fast :wink:
The person with 50+ dives who just went through a DIRF, or worse yet, has just scheduled to go through a DIRF.
I lead a very social life and get to meet people like myself (working class) up to the rich and famous but I usually get some idea of a persons background whilst talking to them.

Exactly my point. In the "cyberworld" you judge people by what they post. Same as in the real world. It is actually much easier to judge people on the 'net since you don't have to worry about distractions such as ethnicity / dress / car they drive / etc.

Not that I am judging them as good or bad but I do like to know are they speaking from experience or is this just how they feel. As opposed to someone on the board For all I know about someone that has not filled out a profile they may be anything from a delinquent adolescent to a escapee from an asylum.

I don't see how it is relevant. Either you agree with them or you don't. 1 dive, 100 dives, 1000 dives, PADI, SSI, GUE, DIR, DIC, DIW. What it seems like is a lot of people want to prejudge posts / posters by their profile information. I've seen a LOT of this on this board. What it boils down to is either the info is good or it isn't.

I am sure you have heard the saying "consider the source" If I know nothing about a person that posts then there is nothing to gauge what is being said by that person.

Well, you can't consider the source until you know it. Profile information doesn't give you the necessary tools to make that judgement. What someone POSTS is what gives you those tools. Back to wanting to prejudge people based on their profiles. In the real world you don't have that information either in a lot of cases. Back to my party point. You won't talk to someone unless you know some background information on them first? <I know you will, or you wouldn't be talking to me. I'm just trying to make the point>

I may be wrong but as far as I know there is no field in the profile box for religion or political affiliation and this is not something I would care to know unless we were discussing one of them.

The reference was to a party. Those are the types of things that might come up in that situation. It was meant as an illustration.

Manners it would seem I have offended you? this was not the intention and I don't what it was that I said that did offend you, let me know it may or may not be a misunderstanding.

Did you not call me a stroke? :eyebrow:

Likewise you don't have to read/respond to my posts like you I have opinions, your opinion of a stroke may upset others as mine has upset you.

Heh, it is simply a conversation. I'm not upset, that is why I put the smily there. It is all in the interest of becoming better; divers, people, what have you.

Maybe I'm wrong!

I'm going to fill out my profile with billionaire/genius/racecar driver.
For anyone who doesn't get the reference, search on Pyle and deep stops and learn some of the history that predates and gives birth to the modern theory.

Awww... it would have been so much better if you left the hints off for now!

But yea, that is one must read story.
I find it hilarious when instructors wear their tec gear to an ow pool session
or ow check out dives.

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