I mentioned this in my previous post, but only in passing, allow me to clarify it again here. It was my pony reg that froze open. While out of the shot around the bow I noticed it start to go and began to move back towards the hole, breathing on my primary. When you see me come into the shot I had decided to switch and breathe off of the pony. I vainly hoped that by using it, it may unlock, also, I figured that if things went any further down the crapper, I'd at least use some of the air it was dumping and save my big primary supply. Obviously, it kept dumping. Once I realized that I was entangled I stopped paying attention to it. I went shallow to work on getting untangled. The wreck and the bottom were both covered in silt, and if I was going to do any flailing around, I thought I'd rather not kick up a cloud since Stan and I were the first two in the water and there were at least four others waiting on the surface. This is the part of the video where you see me silhouetted against the ice. Later, after I climbed out, I still had air in the bottle. I figure the warmer water cleared the freeze. Honestly though, I didn't even notice it had stopped free flowing until I saw the video, being otherwise occupied as I was. The video tells the other parts of the story as well as I could, but if anyone wants any details, just ask. Again, big ups to Stan for pulling my bacon out of the fire, and nice work getting great video of it too. I must say, having that video turned a crappy dive into a great one.