Iberostar Cozumel dock fees!!!!!

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DWM didn't do anything like that the week I dove with them. They were a very professional, very enjoyable dive op that I can recommend to others without reservation.

They did not give us new bands each day. Only when our wristband were tatter or torn did they give us new ones. I really did not think anything of it at the time. We paid the money we just assumed they paid it to the park. WE actually asked for new ones the last day to keep new for scrapbooking other wise we would have only had 2 wrist bands the whole week.

I am NOT saying they did it on purpose, They might have just forgotten. I am also not trying to put down DWM or saying they are ripping off the park. I am just telling you what happened with us.
If those guys had ANY sense, they would just raise the price by 3 bucks a night per room. Nobody would notice it when booking a 7 night package, and they would get the money from everyone. They sure do know how to tick off a lot of people. Bad Bad business.

And I used to dive with an op that did not change my park bracelet the whole week. But they sure charged me the 2 bucks a day!
I take a package at that price too, but I'd make a point of talking to the manager while I was there to discuss things like this. I like the resort & the location and in my case I had very good service from Dressel on both of my stays.
If those guys had ANY sense, they would just raise the price by 3 bucks a night per room. Nobody would notice it when booking a 7 night package, and they would get the money from everyone. They sure do know how to tick off a lot of people. Bad Bad business.
I don't think that the money from the dock fee is the issue. I think their intent is to harass the other ops and their guests who dive with them to the point where Dressel gets all the dive business at the resort.
Harassing other ops and their guests is not the way to get business for Dressel. I guess they will find this out the hard way.
Harassing other ops and their guests is not the way to get business for Dressel. I guess they will find this out the hard way.
That's hard to say. They've been doing this for a while now; if it wasn't worth it to them, they'd stop doing it. Sure, there's some resentment in here, but SBers make up a pretty small fraction of the total number of divers on Cozumel.
They did not give us new bands each day. Only when our wristband were tatter or torn did they give us new ones.

I always take mine off every day...maybe that's why I got a new one...and it's quite possible they missed me a day or two in all the years I've dove with them, so I shouldn't have said DWM "ALWAYS gives me one " in my previous post. My bad.
OK--someone needs to smack me because I'm a traitor....I just booked the IB in June. Prices here in Ohio dropped from over $1,200/person to $799/person for a week. To get 7 days of AI at the IB for less than $800, I'm willing to pay the extra dollar to DWM for the dock fees. The IB hotel is now charging less than the others I was considering staying at. Guess I will remain loyal to IB awhile longer as long as they offer deals that are hard to turn down, and because I feel the op I use found a compromise that works for me as far as the dock fees are concerned.IMO

Let us know how it goes with being picked up by another dive-op...will be interesting to see if/how they change their approach
I had a short conversation with someone are the front dest this evening. I am going to call tomorrow to find out more. What I was told is that when paying to stay there you have already paid to use the pier. But that the dive company that would pick up there would have to pay for that same right of use. When asking how much the person with who I spoke to said that they didn't have that information at hand but a customer could not cover that cost directly by paying the hotel for this cost.
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