I am no expert on animal behavioral science, nor do I support any form of animal slaughtering. There are some examples I wanted to tell:
When people study marine science, sharks in this case, they usually go to the habitats, and studying the wild animal in order to capture the genuine nature of specie. So, we can see documentaries which has some guys swimming together with sharks and show to the public that: therefore shark is a peaceful creature, see. Those sharks are not explosed to human frequently. On the other hand, we would keep on hearing reports from all over the world, about accidents caused by sharks. So, is shark on this side of the spectrum or on the other side of the spectrum, which way is the truth? As I mentioned before, we are doing some sampling among sharks only we cannot conclude a lot just by sampling like this. We may know which type of sharks are more aggressive, but we cannot predict what would happen when a shark show up in front of swimmers or divers. Sharks are not hunting for human only, but sharks would not refuse to eat human when they need to eat. What I am trying to bring up here is yet another example: the behavior of sharks can change when the environment changed.
The place that I am visiting currently, there are islands, and a peninsula. Shark attacks are not very frequent, once every 2, 3 years or so.
About 15 years ago, because of political factor, people were using boats to get across the sea for freedom. Some made it, some did not. When bodies were left at the middle of the ocean, the sharks took it. This, in turn, changed the behavior of the sharks around. They started to show up more around the coast line, including public beaches. The frequency of shark related accidents jumped up as a result. A lot of people were killed during those 5, 6 years. When the political season changed, less shark attacks were found.
I hate to use this analogy for the serious topic, but, let's talk about it.
How many people in this country (back in America) like Sushi?
I didn't start until I was a teenager, before that, I hated raw fish. Now it's ok.
I guess some of you like it, but to some of you, it's still a no no.
Do you see what I am getting at?
We cannot control the behavior of other creatures, but how to protect ourselves and how to make reasonable laws are what we can do. Another example, another documentary about wild elephants in India. As you may know, they are sacred animal to their country. So whoever kill an elephant is not only violating the law, but the person would potentially be killed by the other fellow villagers. Here's the scene, when a group of wild elephants were hugry, they would attack the village during night time, the huts would be crushed while people were in their dreams, many would be injured or even stepped to death (by the elephants by accident) or by the collapsing hut. Among the favorate food of the elephants, there are fruits and wine. Yes, spirit. The villagers do home made spirit at home with large containers, and the animal likes drinking. People were afraid to counter attack, the best they could do were to drive them away, if possible.
When human and sharks encountered, we need to know how to build up efficent way to protect oursleves, to put the condition under control; this is in turn protecting the animals. We know that unlike elephant, we cannot get a shot gun and fire in the air to scare them away in water, so we need to figure out other means. This is in spite of the behavior science of sharks. Sharks are beautiful creatures, so do we and our children.