I will bet your overweighted

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After reading most of the BC questions and answers it seems to me that a majority of the people here seem to be overweighted. Any body want to discuss it?
Huh? What makes you think that?

Simple physics says more people will be overweighted than underweighted. If you are underweighted, you'll notice and add more weight. If you are chronically underweighted, you won't get below the surface. On the other hand, if you are overweighted, you can compensate by adding air to your BC. I'm not saying that's a good thing -- it isn't. However, I can see how people end up carrying more weight than they really need to.

Well Zept you pretty much summed up what I was trying to get at....Thanks:)
I'm a bit overweighted. I do this so I can add a bit more air to my drysuit to keep warmer. Being vastly overweighted is not good.

I do exactly what Lost Yooper does.. I slightly am overweighted to for deco stops so I can leave some air in my suit..

I never grossly overweight myself!

Originally posted by Waterlover
After reading most of the BC questions and answers it seems to me that a majority of the people here seem to be overweighted. Any body want to discuss it?
Ah, just exactly how much did you have in mind for this bet?
I may be interested...
Rick :)
Supplementary question: if you think you might need extra weight for a dive, but you aren't sure, do you take it anyway? For example, if you've added a neoprene vest, or are using a larger (AL) tank, would you take extra weight, even though you might end up overweighted, or would you take your usual amount and run the risk of being underweighted?

I'm with Lost Yooper on this. I also like a little hot air:wink:

Most of my dives are also with exits in very shallow water where we will dive untill 2 feet of water. In addition the marin arheology is often work at one spot at the bottom. Here it also help to be a bit overweight. I guess that in the summer I carry 12 kg on the belt and 1,2 kg on the ankels. I could proberly do with ½-1 kg less. That is 5-10% overweight. I can live with that and compensate without problems.

P.S. What are the odds on the bet??

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