I.Q. Test

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200 - 499
I.Q. Test

The following test consists of 4 QUESTIONS only!

Answer each question before you scroll down.

Good Luck!

1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

The correct answer to question 1 is:
"Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and close the door."

This question tests whether you tend to do simple things
in an overly complicated way.

2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?

Wrong Answer: "Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant
and close the refrigerator."

Correct Answer: "Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe,
put in the elephant and close the door."

This tests your ability think through the repercussions of your actions.

3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference.
All the animals attend, except one.
Which animal does not attend?

Correct Answer: "The Elephant." The Elephant is in the refrigerator.

This tests your memory. OK, even if you did not answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your abilities:

4. There is a river you must cross, but it is inhabited by crocodiles.
How do you manage it?

Correct Answer: "You swim across."

All the Crocodiles are attending the Animal Meeting.
This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.

0 Correct: Oh dear - you really need to pay more attention in class!
1 Correct: You have some potential but you really need to work on it!
2 Correct: You are of average intelligence!
3 Correct: Good score - you are a bright cookie!
4 Correct: Superstar - one day you will be president!

Don't forget this test is only for fun and cannot really measure your IQ!
I.Q. Test

The following test consists of 4 QUESTIONS only!

Answer each question before you scroll down.

Good Luck!

Thank goodness it doesn't matter - I wouldn't have done very well - but I enjoyed reading the answers
WOOOHOOOOO 3 of 4, I am one bright cookie :dazzler1:

I remembered to take the giraffe out of the fridge before putting the elephant in; and that the river was safe to cross but damned if I could get the Lion to overcome his shyness and go to the conference - he was the one missing - and the conference was then cancelled and the crocodiles came back pissed whilst I was doing a deco stop at 15 feet!!! I guess I am not that bright as I should have just swum across and not grab the diving gear but an crocodile-less river was just too tempting not to blow bubbles. :)
dang... 0 for 4

but i object to this test.... all my answers would have worked:

1. cut off the giraffe's neck

2. put the elephant on a diet, and when he's lost lots of weight and is really hungry,
open the refrigirator and when he comes to eat, kick him in.

3. the Great White Shark..... ain't no way a Great White can go to a party in the jungle.

4. build a dam which (a) will dry the river and (b) produce electricity which you can
sell to the TVA. then you can just walk across the (now dry) river.
dang... 0 for 4

but i object to this test.... all my answers would have worked:

1. cut off the giraffe's neck

2. put the elephant on a diet, and when he's lost lots of weight and is really hungry,
open the refrigirator and when he comes to eat, kick him in.

3. the Great White Shark..... ain't no way a Great White can go to a party in the jungle.

4. build a dam which (a) will dry the river and (b) produce electricity which you can
sell to the TVA. then you can just walk across the (now dry) river.

Errr, Hakuna Matata?!?

(wonders what it will be like being president)

I'm reporting you to PETA ! ! ! !
I have to comment, since I'm convened that I'm not as dumb as the test indicates!

1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

My Answer... "You cant!"

2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?My Answer... "
If you can fit a giraffe in a refrigerator, then by golly the elephant should also fit onto he second shelf, right next to the beer!"

3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference.
All the animals attend, except one.
Which animal does not attend?

My Answer... "Both the Giraffe and the Elephant" are missing because both are still inside my refrigerator!" (I should at least get 1/2 point for that one!)

4. There is a river you must cross, but it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it?
My Answer... Walk across the bridge! ("Why would a Crocodile (which is a "reptile") be at an "Animal" convention?")

So... what do I get for 1/2 point???? :11:


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