I Hate 2 Strokes

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I have spent te past two days taking pictures out of a boat with a 2 stroke engine. I feel like I may as well have a tube from the exhaust connected to my mouth. This thing is the most foul smelling engine ever and it's only two years old. This isn't meant to be a troll, but more an expression of how much better I feel that a 4 stroke is.
I *hate* 2-stroke engines, whether on a boat or snowmobile. Ugh.
I know nothing about boats, but I agree, I get cheezed off when I smell exhaust, especially gas (vs diesel) exhaust.

Some have said that the inboard/outboard engines are better for exhaust, but only my nose knows the difference.
I love my Yamaha 4-stroke. I'm on your side :wink:

It sounds like there may be a fuel/oil mix problem. Most newer two strokes are super clean, even my fleet of two stroke snow machines that I use for running over tree hugging bunny lovers.
You know there is something about the smell of 2 stroke mixures that conjure up memories of early morning fishing excursions and even though I know what is actually in it I find it appealing.
I have heard from many 4 stroke owners recently complaining about down time, high maintenance cost and low reliability. I assume you have plenty of experience with both Oe2x?
Since I don't have easy access to napalm anymore, I have to settle for loving the smell of unburned hydrocarbons in my giant 250 2-strokes in the morning.
4-strokes are too quiet and the lack of exhaust will cause every single owner to keep restarting his/her engine and go through several starters per year. All that smoke pouring out of my engines when I start 'em up tells me they are alive and happy and repelling every mosquito for 18 square miles.
I'm suprised you were able to type "stroke" without it showing up as ******. :)
I have spent te past two days taking pictures out of a boat with a 2 stroke engine. I feel like I may as well have a tube from the exhaust connected to my mouth. This thing is the most foul smelling engine ever and it's only two years old. This isn't meant to be a troll, but more an expression of how much better I feel that a 4 stroke is.

The sense of smell is a powerful memory trigger.

I associate the smell of "bean oil" with fun. Outboards or Dirtbikes. Makes me happy, but I don't get sick easily.

Diesel fumes work the same way, reminds me of good times on the high seas.

Tabacco smoke on the other hand is, for me, unpleasant.

OTOH if I was in the market for an outboard today it's pretty hard to beat the 4 cycle motors.


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