I give you the "Crimson Room"

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The Crimson room took about 20min without cheating. This new one took a little over an hour (with interruptions). This one is much tougher than the first. His soul is released. Bring on the next room / puzzle.

Kenny :crafty:
Well, aren't you just a big smarty then? :D
It took me like 3 hours to do the Viridian room. Three hours and one headache.
The problem with the Veridian room is some of the stuff just doesn't make sense :P
The problem with the Veridian room is some of the stuff just doesn't make sense :P

There were things that didn't look like I used...I don't know if by picking them up allowed me to find other things. I just tried to do it again..this time it was all in Chinese..even the stuff that was in English the first time. I can tell you that there was a sequence of events in the first one that were totally changed in the second one, but all the clues are there for you....I love these things...Reminds me of all the Resident Evil games.

Kenny :)
See if you can get yourself out of this one! :D
The Crimson Room

I did it, I did it, I did it. :monkeydan

That was fun. Thanks for the link.

Ok, I need more help. I've burnt the hair (I'm guessing that the pattern that comes up on the paper relates to the one in the pill bottle, and that the 2 combined show some sort of order for using the Chinese cards?) but, I'm stuck now. There doesn't seem to be anything else I can do. I've tried playing with all of the different items I have, and am at a loss. I just want to drink that beer, but it won't let me!!!
I've also tried putting some to all of my items on the shelf where the "gong" is, but there doesn't seem to be anything else to do there either. Someone who's gotten through Viridian, please help me before I go crazy!!!

You are a lifesaver!!!! Thank you!

I knew that there had to be something else to do with that skeleton, but couldn't for the life of me find that key (I just thought it was another of his fingers). Once I got that, the rest was easy and only took me a couple of minutes - I didn't even need the other hints. Thank you so much, that was driving me crazy!!!!
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