No piano player, but Alexa is everywhere. Alexa: play the Billy Joel Station everywhere. Que "The Piano Man" in the living room, the bedroom, the kitchen, the porch and the workshop. I like having the music sync all over like that.
In other news, I have had a running battle with my Hustler Raptor SD Zero Turn mower since I bought it. The first drive belt didn't last very long and I have thrown at least ten belts at it since I moved here. Ten, maybe twelve. I've been getting my belts from the same place, and this past time it hit me: they are automotive belts. Why haven't they been selling me fractional HP belts? What's the difference? A fractional belt has a 40-degree angle and is designed to have greater structural stability (stronger) while an automotive belt is more like 34 degrees. I'm not sure why this hadn't dawned on me before as I've known about the differences since I was a kid. Even if they are the same length, fractional HP belts are simply not interchangeable with automotive belts. They're not. In a pinch, they'll get you by, but only in a pinch. I can't remember mowing the entire area without having to replace a belt or least put it back on the pulleys. Until yesterday. I decided to go with a Gates Green UHD Aramid belt. It took the parts store two tries to get the right size and I was surprised that they were about the same price as the automotive belt. I was also surprised at how much heavier it was. Wow.
10.82 acres is a lot to mow. It usually takes me about a week to do, having to fix the mower, wait for the rain, get parts etc. etc. etc. It's been frustrating. Even the neighbor has noted how often I have to pull the mower back to the workshop to fix it. This past time on just the NE quarter, I had to deal with the belt three times. That's when I had that "aha moment" and decided on getting a fractional HP belt. Sure, I had one last belt from the mower shop, but I was using it to get the right size. The first belt the parts store sold me was waaayyyy too short, so I had to wait. In the mean time, the lawn was GROWING. The grass around the house was thick and over my knees. The grass in the NE quarter and the grass I hadn't mowed in the NE quarter was also getting very high. Yesterday morning, with the right sized belt in hand, I went out and installed it on the mower. By 8:30 am, I was one the mower. I hit the last bit in the NE quarter with no problems. I hit the lawn by the house with no problems. I mowed into the woods with no problems. Boy that cleaned up nice. I mowed the access road and the .82 acres that connects me to the road with no problems. I figured I would take a break at 1 pm, but I hit a log and locked up the blades at 12:30pm. I probably needed gas, so I parked the mower and took a two-hour break for lunch and dealing with SB issues. By 3:30 pm I was back on the mower. Mind you, the tall grass hides sticks and even logs. It's been a constant battle cleaning up everything. I sharpen my blades so well, that the mower tends to plane anything like that I run over. However, every now and then a log gets kicked up and locks the blades. That means a trip to the ag shed to jack up the mower and remove the offending piece of wood. I've got quite a collection going.

So, the afternoon saw me finish the SW quarter, mow the entire NE quarter and then finish the NW quarter as well. I got everything, but the paddock mowed, and it has yet to be mowed because of all the downed trees in there. I started on it, with just a little light left in the day, and after about a third of it got done, I got the mower stuck on a stump. I mean really, really stuck so I'll have to pull it out with the tractor this morning. But I could still feel the mower wanting to move, which means the belt made it through 10 acres of mowing without popping off or breaking. Wow. Wow wow. I had to free the blades a half dozen times, but not having to screw with the drive belt was crazy nice. I walked into the house at 8:00 pm, a little numb but very, very satisfied with the mower's performance. I was covered in dust, but very, very satisfied. I popped a couple of aspirin, a couple of Motrin and drove to Hardees for a quick dinner. I was just too tired to cook. Go figure. FWIW, I don't feel any pain this morning. With all the jarring on the mower yesterday, I'm kind of surprised.
I'm hoping to have all the parts for the finish mower by Wednesday. I leave for Cozumel on Saturday so it might not get done until I get back. I imagine it will reduce the time needed to mow significantly.