A walk around the property presents its own set of ob-stack'-els. When it's all tamed and I can walk around without finding something to move/lift/chop/dig, I'll certainly do that!With 10 acres you could set up one of those army/marines fitness tracks, with stops for push ups and the like. Surprise guests get put to the march, Sargent Surly Style.

Property taxes go way, way down if I have a chicken or a goat on the property. Ma~ and Silt think they should count the way I have them working chasing rats, mice and moles, but they don't. I need a livestock animal.If you are thinking of a horse, or horses, DON"T!!!
Part of me thinks this would be neat... but I chose a rather dry area for a reason. Dealing with divers all day wanting to dive a system sounds more like work than fun to me. I'll keep driving to the caves and when the rivers flood, make an evil smirk for being so high and dry. Little River is less than ten minutes away, Jug is about 5, Peacock is 25, Ginnie is 25, and the list goes on and on. I'm close to the caves I love and now that I feel tons stronger and fitter, I can't wait to start diving them.Or start digging and create your own addition to the FL underwater cavern system....