I can't find where to set the trip countdown

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Joking....!! Yeah, we all liked them, and a lof of us used them, but they're gone. :crying:

No more countdown. Just put the event in your Signauture like I have my Key largo trip - we'll get the idea. :D
As you probably noticed when you edit a thread these days a little window appears in the same page as the post. This style of inline editors makes it impossible for us to use the count down timers from before. I am working to integrate them into your profile in the future so keep an eye out!
No they weren't - no one liked them. :D
Maybe you didn't, but everyone else did. I was pissed when they took mine down.
I'm still pissed. Seems people like them more than trader feedback ratings or whatever. Who uses those anyway?
I'm still pissed. Seems people like them more than trader feedback ratings or whatever. Who uses those anyway?

I'm sorry your upset but the need to make the board work is more important than the desire to have a dynamic line in your signature. Sorry.

The trader rating feature has not been around since our upgrade as well. It is still under development.
I said...!!
Joking....!! Yeah, we all liked them, and a lof of us used them, but they're gone. :crying:
Okay, they're back!! From another thread...!!
Tech Admin:
Countdown Timers have returned to ScubaBoard but in a new and improved form. Rather than appearing in every post, the new countdown timers appear in your profile where they can easily be found by other members who want to know more about you. Old data will not work with the new settings so if you want your countdown timer to work go ahead and setup a new event by visiting http://www.scubaboard.com/profile.php?do=countdown.

P.S. To remove an old countdown timer set any field blank and they will turn off automatically.

El Orans:
This is what it will look like.
Cool, looks like a business cards....lol
I'm gonna make me one right now, or die trying. :D

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