I am up to 400 posts!!!!!!

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I am now over 400 posts(with this post)

That's OVER 400 insightful, helpful recommendations, quips, quotes and comments that I have provided to my fellow Scubaboard members without personal gain or benefit.

Where would you guys be without me???:jester:
As one of the "mega-Posters", I know for one that I appreciate each and every post that has come here. Whether I agreed with it or not, whether you had the truly deep insight to agree with me or not, all opinions (especially mine) are welcome here. Just remember that the more you post... the less (boo-hoo) you are diving.

This board is phenominal and a hearty thanks to KN and LD for putting up with all of us!!! What a super resource for diving on the web. This is surely the BEST BOARD, SCUBA, or otherwise on the entire Internet!!! Lets give ourselves a hand...


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