I am an independent diver!!!!

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As some of you may know i have been trying to figure out wat regulator/octo/gauge i should buy. I have a bcd and all the basic gear but i was in need or a reg system. Today my mum and i went to my LDS, i was just there looking and talking to a woman who works there. my mom was kind of standing around and then she goes, so how much will it all cost? I knew then that today was my lucky day! Mymum made a deal, i have to give her a certain amount of money back. but she bought me my whole reg set up today! I am really excited! I got the titan micra by aqua lung, sherwood shadow plus octo, and a genesis gauge! I am finally an independent diver!!!!! WHOOOO!!!!!!!!

And i am happy that my mom is making me pay some money for it. it makes me feel like i've earned the gear through savings and hard work babysitting. But i am glad that she paid the majority because otherwise i would be broke right now!

Thanks to everyone for the advice and support! I feel i can now speak to you on a better level of understanding!
Ahhh! congrats! I know the feeling.... (I just wish my mom would have paid for mine.... lol)
Actually, I think I could get my mom to pay for my gear, but considering I'm 33 and paid off my Porsche on my own, I'd feel ashamed of myself...
Would your mother be interested in a 35 year old son? :wink:

She's already got a 48 year old one...

trust me, it's not worth it.
Good for you!! You have a caring, excellent mother. Use your new gear well.

I paid for my lessons myself (in 1970) but my parents bought most of my equipment for a high school graduation present. They even came once to watch me dive, but that's a long story...
Good deal, enjoy your diving. Nothing is better than diving gear that you didn't have to rent. BTW make sure you give your mom a big kiss and hug.
Your mom is awesome to do that for you! Have fun with your new reg! :)
Have you got to dive with the Micra yet? I've got one and it's GREAT! Actually it's so easy to breathe out of that you have to learn how to handle it when it's out of your mouth so it doesn't free-flow on you!!

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