The more you post it is clear that your anxiety and ultimately panic was the issue, not the conditions. Your continuing statements that you were going to die just reinforces this. Being on the surface, even in large seas does not result in immediate death.
In the worst case the proper thing to do would have been to get positively buoyant, deploy a surface signal and then wait calmly for help. If possible trying to get to shore is great idea, but not the #1 objective. Grand Cayman, even offshore is quite busy. Additionally if you rented even just tanks and filled out the waivers; at some point the shop would have become concerned.
While I have never been "lost" at sea for long, I have been in situations where this was a distinct possibility. Last June, off the coast of Darwin Island in the Galapagos; I surfaced (after completing a solo safety stop after being separated from our group) more than a mile and a half from the nearest diver or panga. The seas were in the 6' range. While certainly not the most comfortable of situations - I would never state that I was "going to die". But as this all took place 600 miles off the coast of South America and other than our Liveaboard, no other boats where in the area,if I had not been found quickly it might have been a long night. In any case, I deployed my safety flag and kept my 6' safety sausage inflated. Additionally I honked on my Alert Horn every couple of minutes. The only other thing I could do was just lean back and relax. Luckily in just under 10 minutes I was spotted, no harm, foul... and my kids still had a father.
We all have are own limits and finding yours is not a bad thing. For me, slightly challenging mine makes it easier to get up in the morning.
In the worst case the proper thing to do would have been to get positively buoyant, deploy a surface signal and then wait calmly for help. If possible trying to get to shore is great idea, but not the #1 objective. Grand Cayman, even offshore is quite busy. Additionally if you rented even just tanks and filled out the waivers; at some point the shop would have become concerned.
While I have never been "lost" at sea for long, I have been in situations where this was a distinct possibility. Last June, off the coast of Darwin Island in the Galapagos; I surfaced (after completing a solo safety stop after being separated from our group) more than a mile and a half from the nearest diver or panga. The seas were in the 6' range. While certainly not the most comfortable of situations - I would never state that I was "going to die". But as this all took place 600 miles off the coast of South America and other than our Liveaboard, no other boats where in the area,if I had not been found quickly it might have been a long night. In any case, I deployed my safety flag and kept my 6' safety sausage inflated. Additionally I honked on my Alert Horn every couple of minutes. The only other thing I could do was just lean back and relax. Luckily in just under 10 minutes I was spotted, no harm, foul... and my kids still had a father.
We all have are own limits and finding yours is not a bad thing. For me, slightly challenging mine makes it easier to get up in the morning.
But the shop should have told us what we were up against. It's not a case of "buyer beware" ... it's some little girl's MOMMY they could have played a better part in protecting. We can agree to disagree on that if you want, but it's just not safe to send out ignorant divers. We're not idiots, we would have never gone had they told us it MAYBE was not the safest of conditions that day.
We did float on our backs (with backs inflated) and did kick low in the water. Thank goodness my husband got a stiff fin, or we would have been done for!
Your thoughts, good or bad, on this are most welcome, that's why I posted it here.