Just wondering about the subject of "Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy" or just standard diving therapy.
We are all divers here and I have heard the pressure/increased oxygen reaching the capillaries during diving, will help in the healing process. So I have done two 33 ft dives which is the depth I heard was appropriate for healing. (?)
I am investigating this subject and asking these question because, two weeks ago I had a mystery bout with an incapacitating, left: upper back/neck/arm problem - including numbness out to my index finger- (like it is asleep- still)
This occured over night during my sleep without cause - strange - and painfull - I couldnt move to even get out of bed.
All this to say I had xrays done with no identifiable issues in the bone and was just prescribed pain killers, anti inflammatories and some relaxation, which has reduced the pain to an ache in the arm and numbness in the hand and fingers.. so It will probably pass eventually.
Any information you may have on this subject of diving therapy, or a pointer to some, would be greatly appreciated.
We are all divers here and I have heard the pressure/increased oxygen reaching the capillaries during diving, will help in the healing process. So I have done two 33 ft dives which is the depth I heard was appropriate for healing. (?)
I am investigating this subject and asking these question because, two weeks ago I had a mystery bout with an incapacitating, left: upper back/neck/arm problem - including numbness out to my index finger- (like it is asleep- still)
This occured over night during my sleep without cause - strange - and painfull - I couldnt move to even get out of bed.
All this to say I had xrays done with no identifiable issues in the bone and was just prescribed pain killers, anti inflammatories and some relaxation, which has reduced the pain to an ache in the arm and numbness in the hand and fingers.. so It will probably pass eventually.
Any information you may have on this subject of diving therapy, or a pointer to some, would be greatly appreciated.