Hydro Atlantic August 12th

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Aqua Marine

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Central Florida- Deltona
# of dives
We have a Tech charter for the Hydro Atlantic off Pompano Beach for the 12th if anyone is interested. Depth is 120'-180' 2hr run time max. 2 spots left.

Email me at gary@aquamarinetraining.com if interested.

Two hour run time?
The divers are to limit themselves to Two hour max in-water time, not 2 hrs to get there.

Run Time IS the time in water, not how long it takes to get there.

Technical Dives are planned using Run Time as it accounts for all phases of the profile, not just the bottom time as is typical with Recreational diving.

We offer a full range of Technical training thru Expedition Level Trimix if you want to learn more.

FYI the dive site is about :20 - :30 from the dock.......

Safe Diving!


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