Hurricane Frances

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We are in a central Florida EOC and it is blowing kind of hard. Not as bad as at the coast but some hard gusts.
Those of us up here in Jax who have dodged the bullet again are hoping everyone south of us are doing ok. But the outlook for Florida in the coming years does not look to rosy according to the meteorologists at NASA.

Maybe moving back to Texas might be the ticket....or any state with good sunny weather in the summer and few natural disasters.
Its good to be home.
I live in a trailer park and we left to stay at a friend’s house to ride out the storm. I got home and every thing is just as we left it. We did not loose electric or cable here and at my friends house the dish never even blinked.
I hope every one is safe


Things have been fine here in O-town. Spent the last 2 days at my paren'ts house b/c they live in a slighty sturdier structure. We had tons of batteries, non-perishables, lights and a camping stove to keep us through, but haven't needed it yet. We were blessed to miss the power outages. The most frustrating part has been having to stay indoors all weekend and having to take a German shepherd outside to go to the bathroom in the midst of wind and rain. My thoughts are with those who were not so fortunate in power and damage (ie. My pregant sister in Tally who is now without power, incl. air-ugh!). Please let me know if there is anything I can do or offer-my help, my home, my food...just name it! Have a safe and peaceful night, Rebecca
Other than a few trees and bushes uprooted nearby, I didn't even have to bring in my sattelite dish....6 zip ties to the rail and it weathered the storm just fine. We didn't even lose power and the only boil water order for Coral Springs does not apply to us. In an abundance of caution, we're using our bottle water to drink.

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