Hurricane Beryl - Little Cayman/Cayman Brac

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So...what happened at Little Cayman Beach Resort and Cayman Brac Beach Resort as a result of Beryl? Did they close the resorts? Evacuate? Move the boats to safety somehow? Any damage?
It’s not quite there yet. But I saw pictures someplace of them battening down the hatches.
LCBR posted on their Facebook that they had evacuated all guests off island and posted pictures of everything being boarded up. Hopefully just a glancing blow for them, but we will find out in a day or so.
Any updates? From what little I can see reported it doesn’t look too bad
LCBR posted on FB that there was minimal damage. A lot of sand that had blown onto the resort. No power but that power poles were intact.
Just hoping that all of our friends at LCBR are OK.....
Cayman airports are open for business tomorrow, but check with your airlines in case flight times may have changed.
I just spoke with Clearly Cayman. Both Resorts are open and undamaged apart from a bit of a mess to clean up. Cayman Airways Express seems to be back on schedule. I suspect the viz will be way down for a few days.

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