Hullo from Pennsylvania

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Hi David,

Yes, the pictures on my site are places I have been to (I took those pictures). I just LOVE to travel :D

There are so many fantastic countries to discover, and so little time :rolleyes: especially now that I spend all vacation scuba diving :jester:

Yup, I am French, but I currently live in Philadelphia


... but you're within a pretty close jump to Dutch Springs, up in Bethlehem. Yes, it's a quarry dive, and yes, you'll need some neoprene, but it's great practice and it will make those warm water destinations so much more enjoyable!

Welcome to ScubaBoard!
It was late September, when temperature is the highest it can get....
It was OK, mainly due to some fun wrecks (plane, school bus, etc.), and fishies :)
At some point though, I met with the second thermocline, and it sort of chilled me down :D


HI, welcome to the board. As you already probably know, it's a great place. I look forward to hearing from you more.

Welcome to our home! I too live near Philly (Hatboro). The wife and I dive year round in both warm and cold waters.

We will be diving at Dutch Springs in October doing a Dry Suit course (we are both instructors) and if you are interested, this can make dive below the thermocline more enjoyabel. We can also show you the real Dutch Springs.
I am sure that Dutch Springs can be a totally different experience in a dry suit!! :)

However, most of my diving so far is done in 70+ water (and I am having a hard time trying to keep it that way), as I don't feel ready for cold water diving on a regular basis yet :D
If you want warm water diving in PA, you gotta try Marsh Creek in Chester County outside of Philly.
Now I am REALLY interested!!
Is Marsh Creek divable year-round?
How warm is the water? :wink:
Oh yeah.

You'll do find in a 3 mm wetsuit up until November thru April.

It is a flooded valley, there are underwater structures that remain there.

PA's best kept diving secret.

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