Hows the diving at Willow Springs?

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O.k. To tell you how it was this past Saturday. The vis was about 5' at the top and opened up to about 15 once you got below 25'.
As far as the crowd. I got there at 9am and went to the diver shack side. There was my father and I, two gentleman, and one instructor with three students. By the concrete dock and wooden dock there were two instructors one with three students and one with two students. By the cabin there was a group of about 4 divers. By the divers camp ground there was no one at that entrance. And in the swimming area I saw one lifeguard asleep on the stand.
Grand total: 19 divers and one life guard.
Took a drive out this past saturday just to see it, the wife had to hit some place on the other side of Lebanon..closed..and we decided to just take the few extra minutes to just see where it was. It looks nice on the surface but I guess it's what's down below that counts.. I would like to try it sometime. How bad can it be?
............... How bad can it be?
Bad enough that I cant even find a buddy who will dive there with me.
1 hour away, 80 dives last year, I haven't been there yet.
Bad enough that I cant even find a buddy who will dive there with me.
1 hour away, 80 dives last year, I haven't been there yet.

I would dive with you there. It is a nice place to dive although the viz can be bad. except when you slip and fall down the steps because they are slime covered.
Bad enough that I cant even find a buddy who will dive there with me.
1 hour away, 80 dives last year, I haven't been there yet.

I wouldn't dive with you there. I like you too much to let you go there.

I tell you what, if you want to experience 3' vis, let's go up to the St. Lawrence a day after a hurricane rolls by...oh wait, that's this weekend.
Give me a holler if you want to dive Willow. About the same distance from the hacienda for me. I had zero vis at DS, so what the heck, it's water and it's 50ft. :D


Bad enough that I cant even find a buddy who will dive there with me.
1 hour away, 80 dives last year, I haven't been there yet.
I did most of my diving in the ocean in Rhode Island and rarely did we have better then 5 to 15 feet vis. So my expierence at willow has always been pleasent. I now live in PA and visit their on and off. This past sat vis was about 10 feet and got better the further we got away from the classes. Diving near the shack had vis real low but diving off the beach where the line to the quest is was real good. I would stay away from the caboose as it is covered with at least 4 feet of silt and other crap, it also looks like they shut the caboose door so you can not swim through it any more which I think is a good idea since the condition there is not good right now to enter it. Other then that we did about a 40 minute dive and it was great.

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