Great suggestion. We usually do clip the stringer somewhere near the anchor so we don't have to carry it around. The day we saw those two big bulls, we hadn't really shot anything until my son saw a group of flounder on the botttom. We didn't have pole spears so he just stuck them with his spear gun without taking the shaft out, so he was kind of stuck with them. In fact, he only got two of them off the end of the shaft before the prongs opened on the spear tip. He couldn't get the last one off while trying to swim away from the sharks. When we got up on the deck of the tug, safely behind the railing, he took the last one off and dropped in right on top of the two circling bulls on the bottom. They swam around them for a while but never ate them which was curious to me. I would have thought they would have gobbled them up.Rick Murchison:Just a suggestion... been spearing out of Perdido since the 60's too. We always clip our stringers to the down line or the anchor line; if Bro Bull comes by we don't have to worry about his taking an interest in a stringer attached to any of us. Their usual routine is to check out the catch and then leave it alone! I don't think I've lost over five or six stringers in 30+ years, and I've sure saved a lot of heartbeats...