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Houston Texas
Howdy everyone! :wave:

Just another Texan joining the fun.

I came across this site and started reading all the info, suggestions and opinions and got hooked! The only thing missing is me asking stupid questions and giving my humble opinion (mostly the former), so I decided to join.

It's great to see Worldwide divers not to mention fellow Texans (and Houstonians) on the board. What a vast amount of experience and knowledge in one place.

Be gentle, this is my first time.

ScubaDuke :fork:
Welcome the best board, SCUBA or otherwise on the entire Net!!! I hope you meet as many great friends, and learn near as much as I have... Of course, I will give you my normal warning to watch out for Texas Mike... He is just too nice and it will get on your nerves!!!
From the Pacific NW!
Welcome from SC. You'll find lot's of information - some of it useful :tease: but most of it entertaining.


Glad you decided to join in the fun and games!

I look forward to what you describe as "stupid questions and giving my humble opinion " - they always seem to make the most interesting threads!

Anyway, catch you round the board -x-
Hi and welcome from Rochester NY.

There are no :nono: stupid questions so ask away.
This is the best place I've found to get answers.

Looking forward to your "humble opinions" too!

See you 'round the boards!
Welcome Neighbor! Don't forget to check out the 'Texas' section for updates on the Texas Swamp Diving Team activities. You might even want to join us! :D
Glad to have you aboard,

Look out for the Texas Swamp Divers they seem to have way to much fun down there.(note to self, go to Texas to dive sometime.)

To All,

Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll have to check out the Texas Swamp Diving Team. If I get with them maybe I'll be able to dive more often. How does one become a member?
I hope there's not an initiation were I have to tie a bell on an alligator or something.



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