Howdy ya'll, from Fatlanta

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Well, OK, so my "ya'll" is not that great since I'm from Kansas, but I've been in Atlanta since 1982, so I'spect I'm gettin' there.

My first dive was a resort course off of New Providence Island, Bahamas. We had been to the islands a couple of times and I was tired of watching drunk tourists bake in the sun and ride the big yellow bouncy banana boat, so we signed up for a resort scuba course.

Once I demonstrated that I could do a mask-clear I swam straight to the bottom at 50-ish feet and lay on my back in the sand next to the James Bond wreck and looking back up at the boat, the divers, the fish and my bubbles floating serenely back up to the world I said, "Cool, I'm BREATHING UNDERWATER!" From there we never looked back.

In 1990 I read an OUTSIDE article about Bill Stone's Huautla expedition to explore the deepest caves in the world and in it they described CAVE DIVING, a murky, exciting and dangerous plunge into the waters a thousand feet beneath the surface of the earth wearing space-age suits and rebreathing devices from out of science fiction. I had never even considered such a thing before, even though I had lived for 5 years in Gainesville, FL, CAVE DIVING CENTRAL. That tale and my memories of Nautilus floating through an immense cavern in the movie of Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea got me jazzed about cave diving, so I found a good instructor and late in 1990 I was Full Cave certified.

I still remember my first cavern dive into Devil's Ear Cavern. It was like flying into a dark, jeweled cathedral of primitive stone set in perfect crystal clear waters. I was thrilled and frightened all at once and, like before, I was hooked.

Since then I have dove caves in Bermuda, Bahamas, Mexico and Florida. Lately, though I've been hanging with my new 3-month-old daughter, Olivia who has a somewhat stronger hold on Daddy than water-filled caves do, but I'll be back. :)

Dive Safe Ya'll,


PS -- Olivia sez "poot!"
Welcome to the board.
You have found a great place.

Mike M
Welcome aboard, Joel.
There are quite a few cavers here, and a vast array of folks who dive in all sorts of places all over the world.
Just ask any question you can imagine... even if you don't get an answer you're sure to get a bunch of opinions!
I joined the Compuserve Scuba Forum in 1988 and stayed on there for years until the late 90's. It's essentially dead now (if not in fact dead?), but we had a large group of avid divers from all over the world (they said at one time 28,000 active members) who were jazzed about hanging out together, sometimes diving together and talking, arguing and teaching diving.

One of the things that made it work, and which is both a flaw and a strength of the un-moderated tech lists, was that, like this board CIS was laid out in Sections and moderated. For the most part anything went unless it got profane or too ugly. But generally we let 'em fight it out, just separating the combatants in the clinches and zapping the rare psycho post.

Thanks for the welcome,

Welcome to the board! It is a great place filled with people of all types. There is a lot to learn, share, teach, bs about, whatever here. Lets see, you went from a nice place to another nice place to Atlanta? Just kidding! Have a good time here and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Later, Hawk.
and a warm hello from The Great White North (currently snowing - we're expecting about 5-8 inches of the stuff)

You'll have a grand time here, the folks are friendly, and pass along some great information (serious stuff and funny stuff).
Hi jjoeldm:

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England.
Have fun, Dive Safe .........................Arduous
Welcome from Lakeland Fl, just South of Cave Diving Central. If diving is your passion, you have found the right place.:tree:Bob
Originally posted by Hawk
Welcome to the board! It is a great place filled with people of all types. There is a lot to learn, share, teach, bs about, whatever here. Lets see, you went from a nice place to another nice place to Atlanta? Just kidding! Have a good time here and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Later, Hawk.

Yeah, I certainly DO miss Florida sometimes, but Kansas? Well, I have fond memories of growing up there. :)

Atlanta's not a bad place, lots of trees, nice folks and BBQ, the latter being the reason I have a stack of jeans that no longer fit.

Originally posted by DivingGal
and a warm hello from The Great White North (currently snowing - we're expecting about 5-8 inches of the stuff)

You'll have a grand time here, the folks are friendly, and pass along some great information (serious stuff and funny stuff).


We just got our snow for the year, about 5 inches of the stuff a little over a week ago. When it snows like that here it usually paralyzes the city. I remember one year (probably before a critical mass of Yankees moved here) when 3 inches of the white stuff caused drivers on the perimeter (bypass for 75/85) to abandon their cars in the middle of the road! Not just a few, but dozens and dozens!

Now THAT was funny!


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