Howdy from Ft. Myers, Florida

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Reaction score
Orlando, FL
# of dives
0 - 24
Hello all, new member and new PADI diver here, I've currently got 9 dives under my belt all drift dives in Jupiter, Florida. I just recently recieved my Enriched air Cert. and am 2 dives away from my Advance open water cert.
Hi Jason and welcome to ScubaBoard. Jupiter? There's diving on Jupiter? ;)
Welcome to ScubaBoard Jason!
It's time to take a break from classes and dive for fun. Give me a shout if you wanna go diving.
Sounds like your getting a good foundation in training. :thumb: Be sure to check out our New Divers forum and our Florida dive club forum. Glad you joined us. I think you'll like it here.

don :cowboy2:
Drift diving is easy, but I could do without the boat. I got a little green between dives last time I was out. My instructor told me its calmer in the summer so I haven't given up on them yet.
Welcome, from just up the street :)

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