How to piss off a Divemaster?

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Having a DM "help" is like having a food-taster show up at dinner to make sure I'm cooking properly.

If I ask for help, that's fine. Otherwise, stay the hell away and don't get butt-hurt when your intrusion isn't welcome.

1 - Neither your putative food taster nor DM really knows if you're a good cook or careful diver (and if you are a good cook, maybe he just wants a little extra...).

2 - If that food taster, like the DM, has been hired by the owner of the kitchen and told specifically to check on you and all the other cooks (of widely varying skill levels) using said kitchen, then he's just doing his job.

If a DM chooses to setup my gear, fine. I'm still going to say thanks, and check it to make sure it was done right. If he grabs the valve right before I jump in, it's no big deal, since reaching back for a final check of my valve is just about the last thing I do before I splash.

At no time in all this does anyone get "butt hurt". Unless the rocking boat causes them to inadvertently sit down on a tank valve, of course.
So, I'm reading a thread that ostensibly started out to see what pisses off DM's. As a DM candidate I was curious what would come up. Some very good stories and info came to the front and I was amused and even educated. Then the rants began about what was/is wrong with DM's. It seems that no matter what the topic is, there will be folks on this board that take the opportunity to hijack the thread to their purpose. That purpose is usually to tell everyone reading what a great, experienced, wise and safe diver they are and how everyone else pales in comparison to them. Good for you, however, I could not care less!

As I have gone through the DM process I mentioned to my instructor that I was reading ScubaBoard and he asked why? I explained that there was some good info and interesting stories and that I enjoyed the interactions. I have to admit that the enjoyment is waning. It gets very old, very quickly, when certain individuals seem to be so self assured that they truly believe everyone else is incompetent, and idiot or worse, and even threaten harm on people just doing their job.

While I may not be a DM as yet, this is what makes me angry. Lighten up, one doesn't have to be disagreeable to disagree.
No matter how awesome I am, you'll always be the DM who gets annoyed by silent people.

That says it all; I don't really have to add anything.
It seems that no matter what the topic is, there will be folks on this board that take the opportunity to hijack the thread to their purpose.

Yup...and not just on this thread. As a "old timer" and "long timer on SB", it is a far too frequent occurrence, along with that of a thread being started with one stated purpose, and then disintegrating into a pissing contest.

While those events might be expected, even looked forward to, in The Pub, here in the "Basic Scuba" forum, they should not be welcome.
In all honesty, I wish you never did.

Annoyed by silent people, but also annoyed when they talk... you just can't win with Super DM :wink:
Ironically, this thread has turned into a thread that pisses off DMs (and DMs to be)!

It's not the thread, it's the posters. It can't be that hard to stay on topic and be, at the least, somewhat humble.
I'd like to know from our fleet of DM's on this board....

People, pay attention. This is their time to vent about YOU for once.
We can all learn from this and become better customers and better divers.

Let's wait for Lecter and Hickdiver to put their DM card on the table...

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