I am thrilled that subscribers to this thread have stopped snipping at each other regarding generational and cultural differences and have started sharing ideas about attracting and supporting new and less experienced divers, thank you!
@diversteve this discussion has revealed that cost may be the biggest deterrent preventing interested individuals from seriously pursuing diving. Suggestions have been made for the creation of a new SB forum where members can post information about ways to support and encourage new divers, along with examples of cost-saving opportunities to experience diving.
This doesn't mean sharing info about sales and specials and equipment deals, thanks to SB we already have opportunities to post that type of valuable information. This would be more like success stories for recruiting and encouraging new divers and examples of less expensive ways to enjoy diving. Diving opportunities for parents and families would also be helpful.
Would you remind us of the requirements for creating a new forum or sub-forum and provide some assistance? See the quotes below for examples of the types of information suggested.
FYI, I suggest that we avoid using the terms "younger" and "older" for the new forum because that was an unfortunate choice of mine that sparked a lot of aggression and defensiveness. terms such as "interested", "new", and "less experienced" might be better choices.
Thanks in advance for your help!
@diversteve this discussion has revealed that cost may be the biggest deterrent preventing interested individuals from seriously pursuing diving. Suggestions have been made for the creation of a new SB forum where members can post information about ways to support and encourage new divers, along with examples of cost-saving opportunities to experience diving.
This doesn't mean sharing info about sales and specials and equipment deals, thanks to SB we already have opportunities to post that type of valuable information. This would be more like success stories for recruiting and encouraging new divers and examples of less expensive ways to enjoy diving. Diving opportunities for parents and families would also be helpful.
Would you remind us of the requirements for creating a new forum or sub-forum and provide some assistance? See the quotes below for examples of the types of information suggested.
FYI, I suggest that we avoid using the terms "younger" and "older" for the new forum because that was an unfortunate choice of mine that sparked a lot of aggression and defensiveness. terms such as "interested", "new", and "less experienced" might be better choices.
Thanks in advance for your help!
View attachment 558648 ...Our local dive group just arranged a Discovery Dive offering at the high school pool with a dive shop and had a good number of interested young people and newbies show up. We posted notices at the school, online and at the local YMCA. Takes some effort and footwork, but recruiting can work!
The Chicago Scuba Meetup, of which I’m a member, usually does local charters that are deep and for experienced folks. I suggested a charter on shallow wrecks for the Great Lakes newbies. They filled every seat (16!) on the boat and folks had a great time.
...Teen scuba diving camps or parent/kid pool dives would be awesome!..
..introduce the whole of both sexes of that age group (above) to diving. High school in the US. No cost, three gym credits towards graduation. There are at least 15 personality types, not all are suitable to become divers. Many will drop out, some will never forget the experience of breathing underwater.
...tie snorkeling excursions to discover scuba to attract people that are already comfortable in the water and interested in marine life. Something like "Book a 2-stop snorkeling trip with us and get a Discover Scuba experience for half-price!"
...Time to start a new thread that begins with an extraction of the gold from this one, and asks some targeted questions...like maybe, "What are some success stories on bringing in young folks to the hobby?"
...invite people to do a Discover Scuba. Some may poopoo DSDs being done in a pool, but in the depths of a Midwestern winter, it can be a fun couple of hours..
Pools are fine for DSDs. That’s all we have around my place because everything else is frozen half the year. I’v seen some shops do themed pool sessions too..
I arranged a DSD for my scout troop.. It was in a pool, basically 2 lanes wide and the kids still had a blast. So much so that I think we're getting 8 more people certified, and next summer we have two crews (20 youth and adults) doing scuba adventures at BSA Sea Base. If you can work out a good rate with the dive shop, a DSD is a great activity for any youth group.
Cost is a thing clearly...the main famous example is Blackbeards live-aboard cruises. They have somehow held the line at around a grand...and you can get 18-19 or so dives? I wonder if this is a business model that ought to be propagated elsewhere. For land-based operations, more 'dive hostels.' Morehead City, North Carolina has Olympus Dive Center, which had a dive lodge where one can stay quite cheaply. Utila is known for a 'backpacker culture.' Cozumel has some cheap options. Anyone know how the cheap, basic businesses associated with diving are doing in the region?
My first scuba instructor has a group that goes on organized trips; they periodically go to Panama Beach, Florida (here's a link to one such past trip; leave Friday, back Sunday; about $300 for a place to stay, 2 ocean dives and there's an optional freshwater spring dive...They've had an $845 Blue Angel Resort Cozumel trip...The local dive quarry's dive operation does Roatan trips...Their next offering is for about $1,100 dual occupancy, around 17 dives for the week, meals and 'unlimited drinks...And there are some monthly payment options! Maybe it'd be useful to compose websites profiling fairly low budget, high value trips and strive to get the word out.
Great idea! Maybe Scuba Board would consider adding a forum where members could post good dive and travel values?Safe, clean, lower-priced accommodations near dive destinations would also be useful information to share...
Some old coworkers of mine rent out rooms of their houses as AirBnBs specially geared towards divers. Close to dive shops and sites so it's convenient to crash there for a night and go diving in the morning (or vice versa). Some type of moderated spreadsheet could be good where members suggest or name places with info so they can be contacted to verify prices and availability. I guess that's what yelp is for, but a list on here would be nice
It might also be useful to compile some information on what you can expect to spend to get certified in various places, both to help budget-conscious students/ young folks just starting out to get a sense of the all-in cost, and also to help them identify a good deal (vs. one too good to be true) and figure out how to trim off a little (e.g. when to buy used.)..
...We also try to lend people kit, especially cylinders and lead, as buying it and particularly storing it is a problem with today’s housing...encourage young instructors so that young people are not faced with taking a course from someone older than their father...