Ambient humidity has almost no impact on filter life. The gas entering the filter will be at 100% humidity no matter what. Its a function of all the compression.
Temperature will have a
huge impact. But this will be installation specific. If the compressor is in an air conditioned room it will last longer than if its outside. Worst possible installation in a small unventilated space the filter will barely work at all.
At 20C ambient (cool), 30C separator outlet temp (pretty cool) and 300bar (which is quite high and hence the filter is more efficient) the p31 and p41 will filter 500cubic meters and 1000 cubic meters respectively.
BAUER COMPRESSORS - Products - Air Treatment & Testing - P-Filter System
For a typical tropical installation about 250 cubic meters and 500 cubic meters is realistic performance. This can be improved with air conditioning and air chillers.
I'd highly recommend good quality synthetic oil, multiple triplex (13x/AC/hopcalite) filters, the Securus monitoring system to ensure your filters are not overworked and allowing hydrocarbons into the gas you're selling. And lastly a CO monitor. For tropical installations with high temperatures partial combustion of oil generating CO is a life threatening risk that you must be extra vigilent about.