This, too, violates what you're taught in a normoxic trimix class. No well trained normixic diver would agree to a dive profile where they have to ascend 230ft before their first deco gas. The minimum gas requirements for a dive like that would be absurd. If you don't believe me, run a profile for that dive where the 100ft bottle fails and let me know how that works out.
I'll ask again, can you pick proper gases and still be at risk for ICD?
I completely agree. It's not a set of gasses I would ever pick for multiple reasons, but you asked for one that kept your END under 100 and so that's what I gave you at 1a when I couldn't sleep. But fine, I'll play one more time. Let's say you added another deco gas to switch to at around 200'; same other gasses. Off the top of my head, lets just say 18/45 (this will still keep your END under 100' and you can switch to it as early as 260'). What happens if you lose that gas when making your switch at 200'? Did you take in account ibcd risk in the event of lost gas during your planning/gas selection? I sure hope so.
Maybe you're right and maybe you did learn everything you need to know, and that 150' is just the same for you as 330'. Great, fantastic and good for you. Go ahead, dive to 330' heck dive to 500' treating it just like a 150' dive. I'm quite confident that you'll be just fine 99% of the time while you treat it like a 150' dive. I choose to dive with those that can understand the gravity of a deeper dive, and that the complexity increases as the depth does. Someone who isn't going to forgo training on behalf of what to be honest appears as arrogance.
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---------- Post added April 15th, 2015 at 09:24 AM ----------
Ibcd is a real thing, for sure. But if you pick smrt gases isn't not. It was briefly discussed in my t2 class, but the gue standard gases really make it a non issue.
Im in sure you can contrive some sort of gas plan that would put you at risk for it, sure.
Yeah but don't you want to know the "why" instead of just saying "well I'm just going to use these gasses because someone else told me they're the right ones"? What if you end up in a situation for some reason or another where you don't have access to those "perfect" gasses?
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