First, a oc full trimix course will let you dive with hypoxic gases. Already in a normoxic course you can dive with 2 stages, but then all the gases are breathable at surface. Most times you dive then with 1 bottomgas in twinset and 2 decogases in a normoxic class. Yes, a 75m dive can be done in the same way. Just go down on a 50% decogas, switch at 21m to backgas and dive. Way up use the 50% and the 100%. But if this is your full trimix class, then take another instructor.
Some instructors let you dive a hypoxic course with just 2 stages, but I prefer to find an instructor that let you dive with 3 stages (a real travelgas and 2 decogases), using a leash and learn some cylinder rotation.
300ft/100m is quite a lot deeper. For a bounce, divetime can be less than 1 hour. But I dont think you mean this.
In warm water, good visability and no current, I can do 15-20 minutes on a twin12, but my sac is less than average. Lets talk about a 15 minutes bottomtime in a twin12. The problem is most times not your bottomgas, but in the decogases. For such a dive you need a travelgas.
The max PO2 of bottomgas is most times 1.4 max, and for deco 1.6. I know the discussion of lowering the PO2 of bottomgas, but on dives at 100m depth, the difference between 1.4 and 1.2 can be minutes of deco. You have to think about safety on PO2 and what can I do with the decogases? If you want to dive DIR, then the bottomgas will be 10/70. If you want to dive a best mix, then it can be different.
Lets say you want to use a 12% oxygen as bottomgas, PO2 is then 1.3. The amount of helium? That depends on your END. You like around 30m? ok, more helium than END around 40m. The price difference in a 12/60 fill and a 10/70 depends on the costs of helium, but is around 10-15 euro here. A 10/70 costs here between 70-120 euro. Depending on where you fill.
Some divers prefer only 50% helium, but I have dived to 103m oc on a 13/55 gas and was not happy on the way down. Fast down means more sensitive for being narked and I was really narked when I was at 103m (delta P). So I prefer to have at least 60% helium at 100m
Then the travelgas. Lets say to get down to a 30m and on the way up from around 80m-60m (sorry, I am used to use meters). Then you have something with a 18%-20% oxygen as travelgas. The amount of helium depends on the bottomgas too.
DIR means 10/70 as bottomgas, then an 15/55 and/or 18/45 as travelgas, then a 50/25 as decogas and a 100%.
You want to avoid icd. The more helium in the bottomgas, the more helium in travelgas and first decogas needed. So the travel gas has between 35% and 50% helium most times. On such dives the problem is not the bottomgas, but the travelgas in reserves. Costs 20-30 euro.
Then the first decogas. There is still some helium in it needed, 15-25% most times. The oxygen content depends on where you want to switch. 40% on 30m, 50% on 21m. If you calculate that you will run low on the travelgas, then you choose a 40% oxygen with some helium. If you can go to 21m, then you can decide to take a 50% with some helium. Costs around 15-20 euro
The last decogas will be 80-100%. Most times such a gas costs around 20 euro.
You see, different gases means different costs.
The other costs of such a dive:
-divecenter and boat, I paid in Malta for a 110m (wreck 100-120m) dive 65 euro for the boat. In Gozo you can reach 110m from shore (not most interesting). Another deep wreck was for a 2.5 hour runtime 90 euro (France). Some divecenters calculate the costs depending on the runtime.
-important: safetydivers or not and what do they cost?
-hire of cylinders
So such a dive can cost 200-250 euro. Lets find a nice wreck to make such a dive the money worth.

Another 100m dive costs depends if topups are possible or that you have to pay again for full cylinders. My twinset has 100-110 bars left on such dives.
Helium and oxygen costs less than 30 euro. Sofnolime 10-15 euro (some divecenters ask 25 euro for a fill).
You need bailoutcylinders. If you use your own, then no other costs. I know divecenters they sell you the gases in the cylinders and calculate hire and after a week they sell again the gases to another diver.
If you have to use the bailouts, then you need to pay for new fills. If you dont use bailout, then you can use it again.
Boatcosts are same.
If you organise yourself, then the costs are fuel and fills for diluent and oxygen and sofnolime. 2 dives to 130m did cost me 2 weeks ago 300 euro, so 150 euro each. That was including fuel and hotel and food. We dived in a mountainlake in Swiss, and did not use a divecenter.